Chapter Twenty One: Alive

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I was supposed to wake up with Harley in my arms, but no. Instead I woke to a banging sound in the other room. I groaned and reached for Harley. Her side of the bed was empty. The banging grew louder. I grumbled a string of curses under my breath, unable to go back to sleep. I got to my feet and went to investigate.

In the living room, Cass was sitting on the couch, watching Harley do... something. Cass glanced at me sideways, clearly as confused, and concerned as I was. On the wall that was supposed to be empty, a board was hanging, with pictures of all the big names in Gotham. Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, and of course Joker. There were dozens of pictures and names, most of which I recognized. Red strings connected them to each other, in a maze only a crazy person would come up with. Said crazy person was now throwing daggers at the pictures, hints the thumping sound.

"If this is an elaborate game of kiss marry kill, I will literally kick you out of my house." I said grumpily,

Harley laughed and bounced over to me, "Well good thing it's not!"

She pressed a cup of coffee into my hands, which, I'll admit, softened me up a little.

"All the super dorks are just had some serious drama, and guess who's back?" Harley said, and threw a dagger at the board. Instead of hitting a face, it clattered to the ground, "That was supposed to hit Superman and be really cool."

"What?" I was still half asleep.

Harley rolled her eyes and handed me a dagger, "Throw this at Superman's picture."

I did, hitting him between the eyes.

"Guess who's back?" Harley said again.

"Superman?" I'm awake now.

"Yep." She said popping the 'p'

"I thought he died." I was so confused.

"He did." She explained, "But he's back. While we were busy with Sionis, Batman brought Superman back."


"Something about a Mother fucking Box?" Cass raised an eyebrow,

Harley pointed at Cass, "A Mother Box."

"... what does that even mean?" I rub my head,

"Weird shit ok? I don't understand it either. But seriously, we've got to catch up. Lex Luthor is out of jail. He's forming his own bad guy gang." Harley said,

"Should we be worried?" Cass asked nervously,

"Nah." Harley said, "They'll all fight each other and leave us alone."

"I still don't understand why you've taken over this wall." I said,

Harley huffed, "Plotting! Harley Quinn is entering a new era! She's making a name for herself, and to do that, she needs to be aware of what is going on! Like the fact that SUPERMAN IS ALIVE."

"Right. Yeah. Ok." I said absentmindedly rubbing my shoulder. It had already healed up, but it was still a little sore.


I stopped, a thought slowly dawning on me.

"Y/n?" Harley stared at me.

"I think..." I trailed off, "I think I've got an idea."

I marched over to my phone.

"About what?" Harley joined me, "Tell me things!"
"About my shoulder. My nose. The healing thing!" I tried to explain quickly,

"Explain please?" Cass joins Harley,

"I need to call Rick."

"Who?" Harley asked,

"Rick Flag." I remind her.

Harley's mouth fell open, "You want to call the guy who put tiny bombs in our necks and almost killed us? Multiple times?"

I nod, "Yeah. That guy."

"Why?" Harley demanded.

"I'm so confused." Cass interjected.

"Maybe we should think this through." Harley tried to stop me, but I was already calling Floyd.

He picked up immediately, "Please tell me you didn't get shot again."

"No." I said quickly, "But I need something else. Can you put me in touch with Flag?"

"The guy who almost got us killed?"

"YES." I said, completely exasperated, "Can everyone just forget about that for a second. I know you're still in contact with Waller, and she can get Flag's number."

"What has gotten into you?" Floyd asked,

"Just do it please!" I begged, "I think I might know something about the healing thingy."

"Fine. Fine. I'll send you his number when I get it." Floyd agrees.

"Thank you." I hang up and turn back to Harley and Cass.

"Care to tell us what is going on?" Harley puts her hands on her hips.

I can't find the words to explain everything. A few minutes later the phone rings again. I pick up.


Flag's tired voice comes from the other side, "You know, I'm supposed to haul your ass to jail."

"Yeah I know. But I've got a question. I think... you're gonna want to hear this."

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