Chapter Thirteen: Group Therapy

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"We gotta go this way!" Harley shouted over the chaos, pointing to an opening.

Of course, as she said it, more of the hoard came running through the opening. I twirled the mace again, in anticipation. Guns were better, but it was kind of growing on me. The others joined Harley and I, and the ground started moving. I got my balance, and looked down. The floor was like a carousel, spinning slowly. I looked around for Cassandra. She was hiding behind a big rubber hand, on the carousel.

The men ran at the carousel, jumping onto it. There were so many of them. It made me think of ants. I dodged a man's bat, and spun around, smacking his knees with the mace with a crack. I kicked another man off the carousel, who Crossbow Killer shot. Behind her, another man was aiming a gun at her. I slid across the floor, swiping my legs under his feet, knocking him off balance. The bullet hit the ceiling.

"Thanks." Crossbow Killer sounded surprised.

Another man came up from behind, grabbing me around my waist. He was trying to crush me I think, squeezing me as tight as he could. I kicked my legs against the hand, flipping over his head. The back of his head met my mace.

I spun around, and saw Selena was in trouble. Three guys were surrounding them. They could probably handle it, but I wasn't going to take the chance. I threw the mace at one of the guys, knocking him out cold. Dumb move on my part, because now I was weaponless. A man with a... hammer? He ran towards me, aiming for my head. I ducked, and crossbow killer shot him before he could attack me again. I winked at her.

I ran over to Selena, grabbing my mace off the floor as I did so.

"You didn't have to do that." They said,

"I know." I said,

"Does that mean you forgive me?" They asked,

"Hell no." I said,

"Forgive her for what?" Harley said, rolling by.

"For handing me over to Walker, and letting me be tortured for years so she could walk free." I explained coldly.

"You did what?" Harley turned to Selena, looking murderous.

"Damn." Canary said, jumping behind a rubber hand to avoid a crowbar to the head, "Sounds like y'all need to go to couples therapy." She looked between me and Selena.

"We're not a couple." I grumbled,

"Wait, I thought you and Harley were a couple." Montoya said,

I glanced at Harley, "It's complicated."

"Wait, what about the Joker?" Crossbow killer said,

"Oh my god, why is everyone getting involved?" I rolled my eyes,

"No no, Harley and the Joker broke up a while ago. Don't you keep up?" Montoya looked at the crossbow killer.

"We need to get back to y/n and Selena. This sounds like it needs to be resolved." Canary said as she punched the daylights out of a guy.

"I'm a therapist!" Harley rejoined the group, "Do you guys want to talk about it?"

"NO!" Selena and I shouted at the same time.

"Sounds like you're both repressing your feelings." Harley said,

"We are in the middle of a life or death situation!" I said, "It is not the time."

I took out my annoyance on a man with a pig mask. When I stood up, the room was cleared. It was just the seven of us.

"Ok!" Harley said, "Later then!"

We walked through the opening. It was one last tunnel. And then we were outside, in the foggy night. I breathed a sigh of relief. Harley slipped her hand into mine. I smiled at her in the dark.

"Anyone else hungry?" Harlye asked, "I know a great taco spot."

"I love tacos." Montoya smiled.

Things were almost peaceful. And then came the bullets.

Author's Note: Yikes time flies. I kind of love this chapter though as a break from all the serious stuff. 

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