Chapter Seven: Hands up

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Quick Author's note: If you didn't read the first story in this series, you're probably going to be a little confused in this chapter. There's a minor detail that comes back in this story. If you did read the first story... ur hot.

Third person POV

Harley paced back and forth in y/n's apartment. Y/n was on the bed, unconscious, with a bandage wrapped around her shoulder and chest. Really though, Harley had no idea what she was doing when it came to medical stuff. She had gone to wikipedia for help, but unsurprisingly that wasn't a good idea.

She glanced at the clock. She had to find that stupid kid before midnight, but how could she leave y/n like this? After she had gotten shot saving Harley's ass? She bit her fingernails, trying to think. There was nowhere she could go for help. She had lost all her friends when she broke up with Joker. And Ace worked alone. GOD if only she was awake right now she would know what to do.

Unbeknownst to Harley, there was someone. And that someone was carefully and quietly opening the sash on the window behind her.

"Think Harley THINK!" Harley said aloud.

"Don't move." Said a feminine voice behind her.

Harley stopped in her tracks. The cold metal of a gun was pressed to the back of her head.

"Put your hands over your head." The voice said,

"But you said don't move." Harley reminded them,

A sigh came from the intruder, "Just... do it."

"Okie dokie!" Harley said,

She slowly raised her hands. At the last second, she spun around, kicking the gun out of the intruder's hand. It skidded across the floor. The person whipped out a knife and sliced Harley's cheek.

"Ow!" Harley held up a hand to her cheek, then squared up.

"I'm not here to fight you." The newcomer said,

"What do you want then?" Harley said, "Because it sure feels like that's why you're here."

"I'm here to help." They said,

Harley took them in. They had curly blue hair that went just past the shoulders. They wore black leather pants with a belt for weapons, and a black shirt. Similar to something Ace might wear, Harley noted. She assumed they did the same thing for a living.

"I don't believe you." Harley said, making a dive for the gun, which was now across the room. The blue haired trespasser lunged, tackling Harley before she reached it. She stretched out her hand, fingers mere inches away from the weapon.

"Stop struggling!" They growled,

"Get OFF ME." Harley elbowed them in the face, successfully getting them off.

She grabbed the gun and spun around. The attacker ran at her before Harley could shoot, and slammed her into the wall.

"Only y/n's allowed to do that." Harley said,

They clamped a hand over her mouth. "Y/n is the reason I'm here. And I'm the reason she's still alive."

Harley stopped struggling for a moment, "You shot that guy back there?"

"Yes." They said,
"Why?" Harley asked, "Who are you?"

"My name is Selena." They said, "I'm an old friend of y/n."  

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