Chapter Two: New Memories

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I sighed, and looked up from the bathroom sink into the mirror. Black hair dye dripped from my now inky hair. Being on the run, I had to change my appearance often. This was the second hair color change I had made since I left the Joker. I had gone from my natural color, to red, and now to black. It actually didn't look bad.

I washed the dye out, and dried my hair. I had somewhere to be in half an hour, so I'd better get going. I put on a dark outfit. I glanced at my red jacket, but decided against it. I couldn't be seen wearing it. Too many people were out looking for me, and it was a dead give away. I pulled on a heavy, dark, trench coat instead. One last glance in the mirror, just to make sure I wouldn't be easily recognized. I barely recognized myself.

And then, I'm on the way. I take a taxi, instead of my motorcycle. I wondered if I'd ever be able to ride it safely again.

I was on the way to see a potential new boss, Mr. Sionis. He was one of the biggest names in the Gotham underworld, and I was looking for a job. He had a nightclub called The Black Mask Club. Pretty menacing if you ask me. How come all the big bad guys have clubs? Joker had the Smile and Grin, and now this place? I mean, it is cool to work for a guy who could get you free drinks.

I arrived at the club. It was gorgeous. And big. Probably bigger than Joker's place. Unlike Joker's place, there wasn't loud music blasting. Instead, a beautiful woman on stage sang melodically. I looked around for Mr. Sionis. Instead, I was greeted by a man with white hair and a sick scar. He introduced himself as Zsasz, and led me to a booth. A man with dark hair looked up and smiled. He stood, shaking my hand.

"You must be the famed Ace." He said,

"In the flesh." I said,

"Sit down, sit down!" He gestured to the booth.

I sat, and looked expectantly at him.

"So... you and the Joker called it quits?" He asked,

I bit my lip nervously, but he continued, "Ahhh don't worry, I'm not scared of him. Well, actually I am. He is terrifying, but he doesn't have to know if you end up working for me."

I sighed in relief, "Great. Does that mean you're considering me?"

"Considering you? You're amazing! God I've heard stories! Besides, I think everyone in Gotham is out to get you, and the fact that you're still alive." He whistled, clearly impressed.

"Thank you." I smiled,

"I hope we get to know each other more in the future, but tonight I have some other business to take care of. Why don't you make yourself at home here, drinks are on me. And if you like it here, we'll talk again." He stood up, ending the conversation.

I nodded, "Awesome."

I stood up and looked around. The woman was still singing. I wandered over to the bar, ready to check out that part of the club. Free drinks, can't beat that. I leaned against the counter, and ordered my usual.

"No fucking way." Said a voice next to me,

I turned, recognizing the voice, "Harley?"

"It's me!" She slurred, "Surprise!"

She looked terrible. I mean, she was still drop dead gorgeous, but she looked like she had been crying for hours.

"I recognized your order." She then added, "You look different. Where have you been?"

"Getting shot." I frowned at the memory, and downed my whole drink. I set it on the table for a refill. Then, I lifted my shirt slightly for Harley to see my most recent injury.

"Damn." Harley said,

"It's not that bad." I said,

"I was talking about your abs." Harley smirked, "You're fucking ripped."

I chuckled, "What about you? What are you doing here?"

She threw back another drink, clearly upset, "You were right about Mr. J... Joker, I mean."

"What happened?"

"We broke up." She plastered on a smile,

"Oh my god Harley I'm so sorry." I said,

She frowned, "Asshole threw me onto the sidewalk."

She suddenly threw her glass into the wall, shattering it. I pursed my lips. She deserved to be mad. After a pause, the bartender brought her another drink.

"You know what Harley, fuck him." I said, "You're a beautiful, badass broad, who's a thousand times better than he is!"

"Yeah!" She cheered,

"He's just a stupid guy with a clown makeup fetish!" I said,

"Yeah!" She said again, gradually getting more enthusiastic.

"And you know what? You're better off without him. This might be the best thing to ever happen to you."

"Yeah! Fuck him!" She said, "Let's dance."

"Wait what?" I doubled back, "No I-"
"Come on y/n" Harley grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the dance floor, "Let's make some memories without that stupid jerk!"

"That's the spirit!" I cheered,

By now the singer had stopped, and loud, upbeat music was blaring. Harley's dancing was terrible, and so was mine probably. But hey, she was having fun. If she was happy, I was happy. A few drinks later, and we were the best dancers ever. At least, in my mind. Harley grabbed my waist and pulled me closer, practically grinding on me.

"Hey, remember that kiss?" She asked,

"Yep." I said, popping the p, very drunk.

"Wanna try that again?" She asked,


"How far is your place?"


(Yes this is going exactly where you think it's going, if you don't want to read it, skip to the next chapter)


I kicked the door closed with my foot, my hands too busy with Harley. We didn't break the kiss as she pushed my jacket off, and I pushed her into the wall. She hitched her leg up, and I caught it, holding it against my side. Our lips moved in sync, only making me hungrier. I disconnected from her lips, moving to her jaw. She sighed in pleasure. God, that was a dangerous move on her part. Now I just wanted to make her mine even more.

I paused, "You sure?"

She nodded, and I got back to work, kissing that beautiful skin of hers. She let her head fall back against the wall with a thump. I paused briefly to take her jacket off, throwing it to the ground with mine. I lifted her other leg so that she was straddling me, and carried her to the bedroom. I dropped her on the bed and crawled on top of her. Her hands found her way to my hair, pulling me down again to kiss her. I smiled against her lips. God I had wanted this for so long. I restrained myself long enough to ask if I could take off her shirt. As soon as she said yes however, I helped her out of it, flinging it to the floor. My own shirt soon followed. God she was beautiful. And I told her. I told her as my lips brushed over every inch of her skin.

Author's note: Guys I've never published anything like that last part and honestly I'm nervous. 


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