Chapter 8

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Spencer and Lady are made and drawn by me officially! Please chat me if you want more of them in my story's or some information, they're my first selfmade ocs so pls don't hate thanks

Sonic pov

Suddenly 2 people walked up to us "okay so who are you guys?" I asked as if it was a normal conversation "we are Lady" the pink one of them said and the other continued saying "and Spencer!" they said "and what are you guys coming to do here" I asked while everyone was getting ready to fight "calm calm, were not here for that snow ball, not here for that purple daimond head-" Spencer said while being cut off "but I also have one..." Lady said "well you have a better one, anyway, were not here for that Hot Topic dude over there, not here for that 2 tailed whatever it is not here for that bat girl and not for that aggressive redhead over there either" Spencer said "oh come on!" Knuckles complained "we're her for you, Sonic" Lady continued while Spencer stood behind her grinning, everyone behind me looked questioned "and why's that?" I asked "to open the chamber of secrets, what do you think?" Spencer said sarcasticly "shhh big boy, were here to take you with us" Lady said
"you can't just take him from us" Tails said floating up to me while I crossed my arms

Silver pov

"agreed" i said while we all walked forward, "oh you sure?" suddenly the gem on her forehead started glowing and so did the one on Blazes head "argh!" she screamed "Blaze?!" I ran up to her "make her stop!" she said "stop that" I screamed at Lady, while Spencer was laughing "okay okay you can stop now," Spencer said wiping a tear of laughter away "oh my god is that Eggmans ship?!" Sonic suddenly screamed and everyone looked up while he spin dashed into Lady "agh!" she screamed "leave us alone." he said seriously "oh wow didn't believe Sonic could actually be seri-" Spencer got cut off by Knuckles punching him against the wall "break it" Sonic said and Knuckles broke the gem on her head and it glowed and they were both gone

Tails pov

I walked up to them "that was... weird" I said "I very much agree" Shadow said and everyone else nodded "look, she left a piece of the gem" Blaze said and picked it up "we should keep it for now" and Sonic nodded "well I don't think I'm in the mood to swim anymore" I said in a complaining voice "me neither" Rouge said so after a little conversation we walked back to our place and played a board game "YES!" Sonic screamed after winning "take that!" he said "you act like you won something against the president man." Shadow said "yeah if you were a president" and he burst out laughing, must say I also laughed a little, "okay are we in for another round "I'm spectating" Shadow said putting his hands up "oh come on" Rouge responded

Knock knock

"who would be there right now?" I asked and walked up "guys!"

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