Chapter 2

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7 p.m (19:00)

Silver pov

While we were walking to the beach, Sonic was constantly cringing "oh my god will you stop? It's not like we're gonna die and there isn't a tsunami incoming either" I told him and he still continued, not surprising tho, when we arrived he layed down a mat laid down, Blaze, Rouge and Shadow went swimming, Knuckles and Tails went with Sonic so I went swimming with the rest

Knuckles pov

"they're swimming and it's so cold!" Sonic complained "calm down, it's not our fault they have a different body temperature" Tails said "yeah" I responded and we put on sunglasses, talked about some things and laid down

a while later

"Well I don't know about you but we're going swimming Sonic" I said "fine fine, I'll go daydreaming or whatever" he responded "alright" Tails said and we went into the water and joined the rest

Later while they were walking back at 8 pm (20:00)

Sonic pov

"Come on Sonic we went to the beach and you didn't even touch 1 sprinkle of water!" Silver complained "I have my reasons" I said while putting my hands on my back

A while later after everyone came back

"finally, walking is so slow" I complained "oh shut up sonic, not everyone goes home running 1000+ mph" Knuckles responded while the rest started laughing "yeah you guys should" I said in an all-knowing voice but also started laughing "anyway how late is it?" Blaze asked "yeah I don't wanna miss my beauty sleep" Rouge complained "it's about 10! (22:00)" Tails responded "alright let's get the camp ready!" I responded

After everyone was done making the fire, laying down blankets and some sleeping bags just to stay clean

Rouge pov

"so which story are we gonna tell?" I asked everyone "horror" Shadow responded and everyone agreed but Silver "whats up Silver, scared?" Sonic asked teasing him "so what if I am, I wanna go to bed peacefully" he responded "whatever, everyone but you voted for horror so that's it, sorry for you Silver" I said trying to cut off the argue "fine." he responded with a tired voice "I have a good one" Shadow said "oh no" Blaze said

Sonic pov

"one day, there were 2 people just fishing around on a boat, when suddenly something started shaking their boat, they looked down at the water when suddenly one of them screamed and fell into the water, and got. eaten. alive. then the other one got nervous and threw out the net just to catch it in luck and it worked, when he got the net up he was shocked, he saw a merhog, as blue as sapphires, a beautiful long tail with little symbols, long fins and fins on its back and very messy hair" that caught my attention, what If he knows about it?... "and eyes as green as emeralds, then it scratched open the net and jumped at the fisher and ate it... Since then it was all over the news and more and more boats got missing on the sea because of the merhog, less fish was being sold and less people started fishing" he was done telling "blue as sapphires and eyes like emeralds, are you saying Sonic eats people alive" Silver asked "yeah I was trying to tease him"he said, thank god " or was I " he looked at me "oh shut up if anyone here would eat people it would be you" I said trying to unsuspect myself like it was serious and everyone started laughing while I was arguing with Shadow

After that everyone went to bed and got ready to sleep.

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