Chapter 19 - The Marking

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Marinette's POV

"Achoo!" I sniffled as Marianne changed the cold towel on my forehead. Who knew that you were susceptible to a minor cold after being marked... Damian looked like he was about to have a panic attack. "Demon spawn, how could you mark pixie on the first day..- Not even day, night in fact!" Alya was ready to pummelled him but Nino held her back. "It's fine you guys.. I'm not dead right so this is nothing..." I think I just worsened the mood...

Alya grabbed me in a werewolf hug, "You poor thing. Like this situation couldn't get any better for you." I forced a smile since I was kinda weak. "How is she doing?" We all turned to see Bruce walking in. He sat on the edge of the bed and rested his hand on my head. "I'm all good- *coughs* I'm fine...really..." That cough came out of nowhere. "How long does a marking-flu last, Priestess?" Tim asked.

"About a day or two depending on the species. It may take longer for her to see that she's a human." Damian looked half dead as Dick comforted him. "For now, all we could do is monitor her fever and she should drink lots of water and liquids. I'll be leaving now and will be back later for a checkup." And with that she teleported. I sighed but it turned into a cough. "I'll go get more towels and water." Alya volunteered.

During the entire day everyone came in to check in on me...including Damian even though he was bawling like a baby. "I'm so sorry Angel.." And to make it even more funny, he was in his wolf form. I giggled, "It's fine Dami." I patted his head. I turned to face him and scratched behind his ears. He then climbed onto the bed and laid next to me. He then lifted my head and now it rested on his back. And eventually I fell asleep.

Alya's POV

I came to check on Mari to change her towel and check on her fever but when I entered I saw her sleeping on Damian in his wolf form. Damn you Wayne... I sat on the edge of her bed and checked her temperature. Phew, it went down. "How is she doing?" I looked over at Damian. "Sigh, no thanks to you. But her fever has gone down." He sighed, "That's good to hear." I asked, "Why did you mark her so soon?"

He looked away, "I..- couldn't help it..." He pouted. I chuckled, "I didn't know you loved her that much. Anywho, I'll leave you two be." I said as I replaced the towel. "I thought you didn't like me. Furthermore, me being with Marinette." I stopped when I was about to open the door. "Yeah you're right, but if she's happy with you then how can I say anything? And I don't 'dislike' you per say you just get on my nerves sometimes." I closed the door.

Damian's POV

A few hours later Mari woke up. "Dami... What time is it?" I looked over at her alarm clock, "Around lunch. Want me to get you something" She face-planted into my back and started stroking at my fur. "Uhh...Angel..?" She didn't respond. That's when I noticed the mark on the side of her neck.

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