Chapter 5 - Reflection

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Marinette's POV

I went into a random room and found myself in a little kitchen. I opened the cupboards and draws to see all that they had were vails upon vials of blood. My mind went blank as I trembled heading back to the bedroom. I sat down on the edge of the bed to see Adrien floated above me upside down. "What do you want?" He flipped himself over and sat next to me. "I was just admiring your beauty. I bet your blood tastes as good as your looks."

I gagged and slid away from him. "Are you hungry?" I turned to him and shook my head. He then sighed and pushed his way through my folded arms and placed his ear on my tummy. "What the F*ck do you think you're doing!?" "Your stomach says otherwise." I pushed him away and began to slap him and punch him as he tried to block me. He then groaned and I stopped. "I know I'm not that strong. Vampires are supposed to be stronger than that."

He chuckled and I saw him grip onto his shirt near his waist to the back. I sighed heavily and got up to approach him. I forcefully removed his hand and pulled up his shirt to reveal a bruise. I knew I saw something earlier. "It's fine. It'll heal sooner or later." I rolled my eyes, "I know vampires have the ability to heal but only if they have a sufficient supply of blood in their body. You either drink some blood or you put some ice on it."

He stared at me. "Not my blood if that's what you were thinking." He pouted, "There goes my chances...for now. *grins*" I scoffed, "So which will it be? There are a bunch of vials in the kitchen or you get some ice." He got up and snapped his fingers. I butler entered and bowed, "How may I be of assistance, your Highness?" "Bring me one of the human maids." he ordered. He nodded and left.

"You have human servants here?" He nodded, "Well, how else are we supposed to survive? We vampires can go a good month or two without blood but sooner or later we're gonna need to drink it." he explained. Which begged the question...did he somehow house those humans or did he kidnap them from Earth? The door opened and one of the maids I was chatting with earlier came in. "You called, your Highness?"

"I have a query." He turned to me, "Go on." I asked, "If all you need is blood, then wouldn't vampire blood do just fine?" He scoffed with a grin, "Silly girl, of course, but.." He paused as he pulled the maid by her wrist over to the bed and sat down with her in his lap. He pulled down the sleeve of her outfit revealing her neck and pulled her hair to the other side. He continued, "Female human blood is so much more delicious.."

I narrowed my eyes as he licked her neck, she blushed at the contact. He finally finished, "We can't simply let it go to waste. Plus, where's the fun in that." He bit down and I looked away immediately. The maid began to let out soft moans as he drank her blood. I refuse to believe that we females were just born to be bought for our blood. He is dead wrong if he thinks all females are like her. Obedient and Compliant.

He finally stopped and sighed, "Thank you. That was delicious." She bowed with a giggle and left. I 'Tsk'ed at the sight as Adrien walked up to me and lifted his shirt. "See, all gone. And it would seem that the maid was enjoying herself while I drank her. We get blood, they get pleasure...and a little something to take back with them as a remembrance of their time. It's a win-win situation, Marinette."

I wanted to smack him hard but I contained myself. I got up but he gently took my hand. He once again snapped his fingers and the butler came back. "Bring up some food for the human girl." "Yes, Highness." I raised a brow. "Y'know, Vampires aren't all bad, Marinette. We're just misunderstood." I looked him up and down and took my hand back. I walked off to the shower and closed the door. Thank God there was a lock.

Daminette Fanfic - His Luna, Her Alpha: My Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें