Chapter 18 - Homebound

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Damian's POV

Marinette has been on Earth for the past three days now. I really missed her, everyone was missing her but we knew we needed to give her space. The kwamis kept coming back and giving us a report on how Marinette's doing. They said that there were a lot of things she needed to do before making a decision. But I'm being very selfish, I want her to stay by me. She was my Angel in the darkness.

For the next few days to almost a week had gone by but still no Marinette. Every night now, I'd stand outside on my balcony and remember the day she called me out. It was the first time she wanted to talk to me. I honestly didn't want to conversate with her because of the whole situation and because at the time, I wasn't in the best mindset. After finding out about my mother...I just didn't like women after that.

But she changed everything. She made me see things differently. I can't thank her enough for that.

Not to mention that steamy little scene you shared back at the lake. *grins*

I'm not going to argue with you.

Oh, so you're being submissive to my teasing.
Does this mean I'm right?

In a sense.

Well, here's an idea, since you miss her so much why not go over to Earth to see how she's doing?

I wanted to give her space. Seeing me would probably disturb her.

Look kid, trust me this once, go and see her. And at least try to convince her. If you're not going to see her then maybe you can go there to learn more about her life.

My idiot wolf sounded smart for once. I thought it over before actually deciding to go, of course in secret. I teleported to Earth and I've never been more lost in my life. I did a little digging..a-and begging around for some information from the maids about Marinette and they said she grew up in Paris and lived near a bakery in a small apartment. Well, there's the Eiffel Tower so I know I'm in the right place.

"Hi there handsome, are you lost?" I turned around and saw three girls standing behind me. "Yeah I am, do you know where the bakery is?" One of them wrapped their arm around me, "Of course, follow us." I felt a strange urge to just bite their hands off. "If you want we could also treat you and show you around afterwards." I sighed and agreed only because I wanted to find Marinette.

They took me to the bakery and I saw a cute little line of buildings. Could that be the apartments? I slipped my arms away from the girls, "Sorry but I have to go and find my luna!" They looked at me dumbfounded either at what I said or at how fast I was running. I took out a piece of paper from my pocket and it had her address on it. Which one is building C, they all look the same??

"Damian?" My head spun around when I heard that voice. It was Tikki. "Why are you here?" she asked. "I'm looking for Marinette. Do you know where she is." Then that foul scent came back. Camembert...Plagg... "She said she didn't want to speak to anyone. Sorry kid." Sigh... Wait a minute. "*smirks* Plagg, how bout I invite you over to my palace and have then bring you a room filled with cheese aged on spruce wood and camembert?"

His eyes literally lit up. "Really!?!?" I nodded, "But only if you tell me where Marinette is." Tikki shushed him and tried to make him stay quiet but she lost. "She's at the cemetery up on that hill over there. You'll find her if you follow your nose." He pointed down the street and I was able to see it from here. "Thanks." "Have my cheese ready for me!" "Plagg you're such a pig, you smelly cat!"

Marinette's POV

My eyes fluttered open and I felt someone stroking my hair. I then realised that I was laying on someone's lap. I looked up to see Damian. "Oh, you're finally awake." he said with an innocent smile. I got up and asked, "Why are you here, and how did you know where I was and in what city I lived in?" He chuckled, "It's your fault for telling the maids." More like he seduced them and asked himself.

"So..what's your purpose for being here?" He shrugged, "First to find you and seeing that we're here, I wanted to pay condolences to your parents including your Guardian. *teases* Only to find you sleeping like the one in the fairytale." I pouted, "Idiot..." He stood up and held out his hand as I took it, "Look, I'm not here to get you to come back. I just...couldn't stand being away from you. I had to see you again, Marinette."

He looked so sincere as he gripped my hand ever so gently. I was lost for words, it was as if they were stuck in my throat. "Everyone back home misses you dearly, Marinette. But if Earth is where you want to stay then that's all you. But I won't stop coming to visit every once in a while." He grinned. He's such a pup. " really confuse me Dami..." He looked as if he was going to cry, "Did you call me 'Dami'?"

I rolled my eyes, "I've been thinking about moving back to Lycanthrope. The reason why I took so long was because I had to sign off some deals for my business and publicly announce my 'retirement' of being a fashion designer. Also, I had to sell the apartment to someone and pack my things. Damian, I want to live with you guys." He looked surprised and I swear there was a little blush on his cheeks. "You mean it?"

I nodded and he hugged me tight. "I have the buyer coming in tomorrow morning so after that deal is settled, I'll be on my way...home." I squeezed him back and he pulled away and kissed me. Mama, Papa, Dad...I finally know where I belong.

Damian stayed with me the entire time and once the house was sold off, I returned with all my things and the kwamis to the Realm with Damian. Alya squeezed me in one of her wolf hugs and the boys joined in. Everyone's eyes widened when they saw my things and Damian and I holding hands. Alya and some of the maids helped me unpack and we were down by nightfall.

Ahh, what a day. I hid underneath the blankets and was about to doze off when something landed on my bed. "What the- Damian!?" I whisper-shouted. He kissed me briefly then grinned, "I have teleportation capabilities, remember?" I rolled my eyes with a smile, "Yeah yeah.." He then cupped my cheeks as I held his hand and kissed me again passionately. "Angel, I want to mark you so that everyone will know that you're mine."

My eyes widened, "What's that..?" He slowly began to slip off my sleeve off my shoulder as he brought his face down to my neck. I felt his warm breath and it sent shivers. "In short, I have to leave a permanent mark on you so that no one can steal you and I can track you in case you're kidnapped, or even lost." Oh I see. "So, may I?" I looked down at him and he looked so genuinely sincere. "O-Okay..."

He trailed kisses from the back of my ear to my neck and that's when he bit down. I winced as I felt his teeth pierce my skin. "Dami..-an..." I felt that individual spot heat up as if it were burning my skin. He finally removed his teeth and licked the wound. He wiped the tear from my eye and apologised over and over. "It's fine, Dami." He sobbed, "But you were crying, Angel." I chuckled and kissed him. "I'm fine. As long as I'm with you."


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