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A/N: Sorry for the mini hiatus. This one will have a part 2

"Should we find somewhere to go for lunch?" I glanced up from my phone, nodding along in agreement with everyone else as we began heading towards the exit. Walking around all morning had made everyone tired, hungry and hot.

As we made our way towards the exit, I looked around the convention hall one last time, suspicious if we were being followed. Pure habit at this point. Suddenly a man met my eyes and waved, turning as he began speed walking towards us. I panicked, looking towards Danny who had also noticed the stranger approaching.

"Hey! Are you Arnold? Arnold Parsons?!" I glared at him as he stopped in front of me, the rest of the group finally noticing what was happening as they stopped to witness what was happening.

"Yeah...?" I said hesitantly. The man reached into his pocket, I assumed to pull out his phone.

"Look I'm not really in the mood for pictures right now-" He turned his head to the side, raising an eyebrow in confusion.

"What? No. I'm here to give you this." A woman walked up next to the man as he pulled a key out of his pocket and handed it towards me. I looked back at him, equally confused now.

"What...what is this for?" The woman laughed as the man rolled his eyes before pulling out his phone, tapping the screen a few times before showing it to me. There, on the screen, was a list of names, a few pictures, and a few paragraphs.

"I don't think-"

"Just read it." The man said, rolling his eyes again as he shoved the phone into my chest. I stumbled for a moment from the force, Danny taking a protective step forward. I put my phone in my pocket as I grabbed his.

"You should really-" The man interrupted Danny.

"I'm sure you guys want to be on your way, but this isn't about you. And it's important." He insisted. I raised my eyebrow before looking down at the screen.

*For your eyes alone.*

I've already got the key, I'm sending this letter out to everyone whose names are on this list. You've been chosen for something bigger than you and I congratulate you. This key will bring you the love of your life, your soulmate, and I wish everyone good luck.

Your task is simple. Hold onto the key until you meet the next person who you will have a romantic relationship with. This is your true love. Don't believe me? Then believe everyone on the list before you.

This website, this story, it's for you all alone. Why? Because the original owner of the key said so. You've been selected, not at random, to find your other half. She's decided that you've been through enough heartache and heartbreak. Cheating, loneliness, abuse...that ends with this task.

Find your person, pass the key on. The last name on the list, you will meet the original owner of the key. You will find out what the key unlocks.

And if you try to stray from the list, the key will always find its way back to you. Good luck, and I wish love and luck for you all.

I read through the list of names, my name being the last one and handing his phone back to him. He smiled gently.

"I know it seems hard to believe but it is true. I tried straying, but it didn't work. The key showed up on my desk at work the next day. Everyone agrees that it's true. You're the last person. So take it. Find them. You deserve it." He held out the key to me again, the woman next to him smiling encouragingly at me.

The war raged in my thoughts. There's no way this is real, my logical side reasoned. But what emotional side was hoping. I pulled out my phone, sifting through my emails until I found the same link to the same website. There was a multitude of emails in the 'sender' line. As many email addresses as there were names on that list, plus one extra.

"Don't try and email or contact the original sender. The address doesn't exist anymore. We've all tried." He laughed quietly.

"What the hell is going on? What is he talking about?" Danny finally broke his silence. I looked over at him, ready to explain but I suddenly couldn't find my voice. It was like...something was stopping me. I sighed, shaking my head and turning to look at the man who was smiling, amused. He held out the key towards me one more time and I sighed again, reaching out before hesitating again.

"So...I just hold onto it. Nothing else?" He nodded and I took the key.

I must be crazy.

Arny and Danny ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now