Day at the Bank

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A/N: In light of recent knowledge about William Papa's actions, he will no longer be included in this story or in any future stories. I stand with Joyce and if you continue to support William, you are welcome to leave my page and stop reading my story. Thank you <3


"What's gonna happen when she wakes up?"

"She won't."

I sighed, rolling my eyes as I took in the cameras around the bank.

One facing the entrance, one in front of each assistant's desk to see the faces of the people they're helping, one facing the hallway to the vault, and I assumed there was one in each managers' office.

I quickly sent the information to Danny, who was waiting with the others in the car out front.

Pete is working on disabling the cameras and alarm systems. 5 mins.

"Hey...I like your necklaces." I heard a quiet voice say. I quickly locked my phone, looking up to see a girl staring at me with a soft smile. I smiled back, trying not to show my annoyance but I really wasn't trying to make friends today.


"What's your name?" I internally groaned. I sifted through the dozens of aliases I had used over the years before settling on the oldest one.

"Arny." My phone buzzed and I looked down.

1 min. Get ready.

"Cool. Um...that's a cool beanie. Where-" I looked at her again, my smile dropping.

"Yeah, you're not gonna think so in a minute." I muttered to her.

"Wha-" I didn't hear whatever she said as I turned and walked towards the doors where I saw the guys coming in. I pulled the beanie, which was actually a ski mask, over my face as Danny walked in, handing me my gun.

"THIS IS A ROBBERY EVERYONE GET ON THE FUCKING GROUND NOW!" Brandon roared, firing several rounds off into the air. Everyone began screaming and diving to the floor.

"Hey! Stop right th-" I shot a security guard between the eyes as he tried running up to us.

"That's what being a hero gets you! Everybody take a good look! Anyone else wanna try?" I called out as Danny and Pete rushed to the tellers to get the money from them.

"Alright then, let me tell you how this is gonna go! I want everyone's wallets AND PHONES out of their pockets or purses and next to their heads! Move now!" Brandon shouted. People scrambled to grab their wallets out of their bags, purses, and pockets.

I walked around, stepping over a few people as I looked for the manager. I found him face down on the floor by the tellers desks while trying to cover up his badge. Pathetic.

"Let's go." I said, nudging him with the barrel of my gun. His head snapped up to me and his eyes widened, filling with tears. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the back of his jacket, yanking him to his feet as I stood.

"I don't have all day! Grab her." I said to Pete as he packed the last of the cash into his bag. He threw it to Brandon, who then set it by the door. Pete grabbed the teller, who began to cry as we dragged them to the vault.

We threw them both in front of the vault door, aiming at them while we waited.

"Open the door. We know it takes two, we know you both know how. We also know the emergency code that alerts the authorities. So if you type that, you die." Pete said, his voice tense. The manager and teller stood, flinching as Pete walked them over to the keypads.

They punched in their codes with shaky hands and were quickly shoved to the side as the vault door unlocked.

"Do we need them anymore?" I asked. Pete shook his head as he pulled the vault door open. I turned towards them and they immediately began begging and pleading.

"Please don't do-"

"I have a family. I have-"

"I'll help you-" Two gunshots and their begging stopped. I heard screams echo from the main room and left Pete to begin emptying out the vault. I ran in to see Brandon taunting the other people. Danny turned to me as he heard my footsteps.

"Pete's loading up now." He nodded and turned to Brandon.

"We have 5 more minutes to grab whatever we can and leave." Brandon nodded and ran back to the vault room as I turned to the front door, seeing 3 bags sitting there.

"Psst." My head snapped to the floor, seeing the girl who was trying to speak to me earlier. A woman looked at her in shock.

"What are you doing?! Are you crazy?! Do y-"

"Shut up." I said to the woman before kneeling in front of the girl.

"What do you want?" I said. She bit her lip for a moment before speaking.

"I wanna come with you. Please?" I scoffed and looked at Danny who started laughing.

"Why would I do that?" I asked incredulously. She huffed.

"I can help. I swear I can help. Please let me come with you." She whispered. I looked over at Danny, who was preoccupied with stomping on people's phone screens.

"We'll see." I walked towards Danny as Pete and Brandon came out of the vault room.

"Time to go."

"That girl still wants to come with us." Danny shot me a dark look.

"No." He said sternly. I shook my head and sighed.

"I agree. She's the only person who's going to remember my face though. She complimented my necklaces and shit." Danny sighed and looked over at her before nodding.

"But she doesn't stay." He whispered. I nodded, turning to walk back to her.

"Up. On your feet." She quickly stood up. I put my gun into her back before whispering into her ear.

"Walk." I quickly looked over to see Danny finish typing on his phone as he walked towards the door. He looked up at me and nodded. We quickly rushed out of the bank, Brandon throwing a bag over her head before we all got in the car. Brandon, the girl, and Pete in the back with Danny driving and me in the passenger seat.

We tore off our masks and I reached in the glove box, pulling out a syringe of fentanyl as I heard Pete typing on his computer from the back seat. I spun around and put my finger to my lips as he was about to speak before stabbing the syringe into her thigh and quickly pushing the drug into her system. After about 10 minutes, she fully relaxed, her head hanging limp.

Brandon and Pete looked at me in confusion as I turned, throwing the now empty syringe on the floor.

"Okay...? Well I looked at all the footage of every camera. The loops I put in were almost perfect. The cell phone towers weren't pinged until we left. None of the cameras outside caught our license plate. Perfect crime, perfect getaway."

"So...who is she?" Brandon asked, looking between Danny and I as we shared a glance.

"No one." We said together. Pete spoke up again.

" what's gonna happen when she wakes up?" I laughed quietly before I shook my head.

"She won't."

Arny and Danny ImaginesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat