Devil Doesn't Bargain

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A/N: Depictions of Abuse


And just like before I can see that you're sure

You can change him, but I know you won't

"I don't know what I'm doing wrong!" You cried as you lay your head down on Danny's shoulder. He'd been your best friend since you were kids.

"It's not you, you're not doing anything wrong! It's your stupid asshole of a boyfriend. I really think you need to leave him. Please." He pleaded. You straightened up, blowing your nose into your tissue and sighing.

"No I mean...this is just a bad fight. That's all. Once we both calm down, I'll go talk to him. We can work it out." You say confidently. Danny scoffs and shakes his head.

"You say this every time though! I don't think he's good for you. He makes you feel like shit all the time, constantly picks fights about-"

"Danny...please...I love him..." You whisper, looking at your lap. You hear him take a deep breath before shaking his head again.

"If you're're gonna get hurt though...I can't stand seeing him make you cry. If he ever lays his hands on you though-"

"He won't. He's not like that." You say with a smile. Despite all the fighting, your boyfriend had never laid his hands on you and you were sure he never would. You stood up, looking at the time on your phone before taking a shaky breath.

"I should head back. I'm sure he's calm by now." Danny stood with you, walking you to the door. You hugged him as you went to step outside.

"Thank you for listening and being there for me." You said with a soft smile.

"Yep...I always will, you know that..." He said with a weak smile as he closed the door. You let out a sad sigh as you turned to head back to the apartment you and your boyfriend shared.

He'll never be prince charming

He'll only do you harm again

As you closed the door, as quietly as possible, you turned to see your boyfriend standing there with a furious expression on his face.

"Where the fuck have you been?" He asked, taking a few steps towards you. You felt your back press against the door as your heart began to race.

"I...I was at Danny' know that..." You said in a soft voice, hoping he would understand. His hand wrapped around your throat as he picked you up and slammed you into the door.

"You were fucking him weren't you, stupid bitch! I texted and called and you never answered me. You spread your legs for him I know it. Dumb fucking whore." You tried to take a breath as his hand tightened around your throat.

" I...would...never..." He scoffed and turned, throwing you across the room. You hit a table, rolling over it before landing on the floor with a loud thud. You coughed, gasping as you welcomed the oxygen you were previously being deprived of.

"Hey! What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" Danny screamed as he burst through the door. Your boyfriend whipped around to see nothing but Danny's fist connect with his jaw.

And just like that, your boyfriend was out cold.

"Danny, what did you do?!" You screamed, crawling over to your boyfriend. You shook him a few times before looking up at Danny.

"Why did you do that?!" He looked down at you with rage filled confusion.

"Are you kidding me?! He was seriously going to kill you!" You stopped for a moment, looking back down at your passed out boyfriend. You didn't want to believe it. You couldn't believe it...He was the only man who loved you through everything. The only one who put up with you and all of your bullshit...

"Danny I...I...I can't leave him...but I don't want to be hurt anymore...what do I do...?" You looked up at him with tears streaming down your face. He held your gaze as he knelt down in front of you.

I'm not one to lecture, talk down to a friend

I don't mean to pressure, mean to condescend

But I just want what's best for you in the end

"Please...please leave have to. If you don't, you'll keep making excuses for him. He's going to kill you. He's just going to keep hurting you until one day, he kills you. Please...come stay with me. I'll protect you. I'll keep you safe." He whispered, pleading.

"But...he's gonna wake up before I can get my stuff..."

"Just pack what you need. I'll help you come back for the rest." He said, helping you to your feet. You took one final look at your now ex boyfriend before rushing to your bedroom. You began throwing random clothes, valuable jewelry, and favorite belongings together before walking back out to see Danny standing over him, his knuckles bruised and slightly bloody, your exes face completely destroyed.

"Danny what-?!" He shot you a look that just said 'let me have this' which caused you to shut up. You both walked to the door and you turned one last time to take a look around the apartment, the only home you've known for two years, before walking out the door.

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