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A/N: This is a request for @augustchaos and I hope I did it as you wanted it!

Vamp!Arny, Mild degradation/praise, mentions of blood. Enjoy :)


I stood at the door, one hand secure around the bouquet, the other behind my back, with anxiety in my chest. My heart would be racing if it were beating. I raised my hand from behind my back, attempting to steady the shaking from my nerves, before taking a deep breath and knocking three times. I smiled, returning my hand to its former place as I heard their footsteps quickly approaching the door.

As it swung open, there you stood in all your beauty, face flushed and eyes shining as bright as the stars. You gave me a wonderful smile that left me breathless as I handed you the bouquet of white and black roses (a little irony on my own behalf). I gave you a small bow and moved my hand to grasp one of yours to give it a gentle kiss.

"Good evening my love, you look as beautiful as ever. Shall we commence with our evening?" You let out a tiny giggle, a habit of yours whenever I've done something you consider 'old school'. I haven't ever really been able to grasp modern culture as it evolved, nor have I ever really wanted to.

I straightened and, as you stepped aside, quickly gave you a kiss on the cheek causing you to blush a shade of pink. I gave you a smile as I stepped through the doorway, removing my shoes and continuing to the parlor, or 'living room' as it was now called.

"Give me a minute to put these in a vase with some water. Why white and black, love?" You called from the kitchen. I sighed to myself as I missed the speech from my own times before replying.

"I simply thought that the colors compliment each other, that's all. I understand the meaning behind each color, however I paid them no mind when choosing the colors for this particular bouquet." I replied as I made my way towards the sound of their voice.

As I entered the kitchen, the first thing that happened to catch my gaze was the food that remained untouched on the counter. They must have been preparing dinner for the both of us. I grimaced as I imagined how I would once again have to hurt their feelings. It pained me to see them so upset when all of their actions towards me were purely unselfish. Not that I deserved any of it. The day they learn of my true nature will be the day I lose my love forever...

After finishing with the roses and placing them on the counter by the wall, they turned to face me, leaning their back against the counter and giving me a smile that quickly faded.

"What's wrong, love? It was just a question. I promise I love the roses, I'm not worried about the colors, I was just curious." I smiled, slowly walking towards them as they continued to ramble, moving my hand to place two fingers on their lips to silence them before using my other hand to grab theirs.

"My love, I barely understood a word you have just uttered to me. I understand your curiosity, and I merely answered your question as you wished. I will always do what you ask, so long as it is within my power." I whispered, staring deeply into their eyes. Their breath caught for a moment before they inhaled lightly, looking off to the side. I felt wounded.

"Have I said something to upset you? I'm terribly sorry." I took a step back, believing they wanted space until their grip on my hand tightened. Their gaze returned to mine as they began to shake their head.

"It's not that, I'm sorry. It's just that...there is something I wanted to ask..." I smiled lightly as I reached with my other hand that was not currently holding theirs, to caress their cheek.

"Anything my love." They took a small breath, their face lightly leaning into my hand, seemingly without thinking, as they began to speak.

"I...when we...have sex...I don't want you to...treat me so nicely...all the time...notthatIdontloveitbutIjustlikebeingspokentoanotherwayduring-" Again, I had to silence them with my fingers as I allowed my mind to catch up to what they had said. It was unheard of in my time for...that to be spoken of allowed. It was taboo.

Arny and Danny Imaginesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن