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TW: mentions of death

Baby? What are you doing here?

I opened my eyes, looking around to see white columns with strange writing everywhere. I noticed I was kneeling though I couldn't see what I was kneeling on. White fog was everywhere as I stood up. I couldn't remember how I'd gotten here but I knew I had to find you.

I began to run in a random direction, calling your name, cringing at the empty echo. This seemed like an empty, humongous hallway that never had an ending but I was soon proven wrong as I came to a garden.

The tall black iron gate was covered with vines and flowers, a palm imprinted on the front. I stepped forward, slowly fitting my hand into the palm shape and wincing as the gate began to creak open.

I stepped into the garden, making sure to stay on the path as I began wandering through the maze of plant life. I saw a creek flowing through the center of the garden as I walked across a stone bridge and smiled, thinking of how much you would enjoy this place.

I flew backwards as your face flashed through my mind, the memory itself very dim but the scene itself was sharp. I quickly got to my feet and ran off down the path, calling your name again as I searched for you.

I came across a flower bed full of daisies...your favorite. I decided to pick a few of them, smiling as I thought of how your face would light up when I presented you with your little bouquet.

I continued down the path, slowly becoming more confused as I still didn't see or hear anyone. This place felt huge...I looked up to see a perfectly blue sky and sighed. I was going to have to talk to you when we saw each other again.

I missed you...but you have to go back...

I spun around as I heard your voice echo throughout the garden, running in a random direction, calling out to you. Worry began to sink deep into my thoughts as I scanned every inch of this place, looking for any signs of you.

"Why? I want to stay here with you!" I called out, hoping she could hear me. I burst through some trees, seeing you standing there already, a gentle smile on your face.

I ran over to you, falling to the ground as I didn't realize how long I'd been tired I'd hadn't been that long, had it?

Its not your time yet my love...

Your voice whispered to me. I looked up to see that same smile, though your eyes were sad. I wanted to ask so many questions. I was so confused about what was going on, how I'd gotten here...why was she pushing me away?

Flashes of that nightmare coming to my mind as I looked into her eyes.

"My love! I'm leaving. I have a few errands to run!" I ran to the door to quickly give her a kiss goodbye...

My phone rang as I tried to finish the stream and I looked to see the police department...

"Car accident. She's in the hospital, but we don't-" "Thank you I'll be right there."...

I walked towards the casket with a small bouquet of daisies, tears streaming down my face as I looked at your peaceful expression. "You always said roses were cliche."...

I stared at the picture on my phone, wondering how fast they would kick in. I couldn't wait to see her again...

I felt tears begin to fall down my face as she gently touched my cheek, kneeling in front of me to kiss my forehead and gingerly take the bouquet of daisies from me as she smiled once again.

It's not your time yet...

We have a pulse!

Arny and Danny ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now