Purge Pt. 1

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A/N: Sorry all, I've really been trying to write. Things have been stressful and I don't want to put out anything that's...well... garbage. I hope you enjoy

This is not a test

This is your emergency broadcast system announcing the commencement of the Annual Purge sanctioned by the US Government.

Weapons of class 4 and lower have been authorized for use during the Purge. All other weapons are restricted.

Government officials of ranking 10 have been granted immunity from the Purge and shall not be harmed.

Commencing at the siren, any and all crime, including murder, will be legal for 12 continuous hours.

Police, fire, and emergency medical services will be unavailable until tomorrow morning at 7 a.m, when the Purge concludes.

Blessed be our New Founding Fathers and America, a nation reborn.

May God be with you all.

At the sound of the siren I shot Arny a text message before grabbing my sword that was hanging on my bedroom wall. I dug through my dresser drawer before choosing a different mask from last year's purge, and took my list out of my pocket, smirking. It was a little long this year.






I wasn't sure if I had time for everyone on my list, but I was definitely getting Mark and Jesse tonight, even if it killed me. I wanted to at least rob Josh. He hadn't really done much to me, but it was enough to irritate me so I figured he owed me. It was gonna depend on if he was out or not, though. I'd already hidden my most valuable possessions and replaced some of them with decoys.

I heard a knock, knowing it was Arny. Who the fuck else was gonna knock with the Purge already started? Still, I donned my mask, strapped my sword on, and walked towards the front door. I looked through the peephole, chuckling when I saw his mask from last year.


"Nine." He said, his voice muffled under his mask. I started laughing, opening the door and quickly pulling him inside before slamming the door shut again. He pulled his mask off and shook his head, attempting to move his hair out of his eyes.

"Okay, one, that's gonna be an issue tonight. Two, you're wearing the same one as last year." I walked back to my bedroom and over to my dresser, pulling out a black mask, no extra painting over it. Easily concealed. Some people were stupid and announced their presence or didn't even wear any protection at all, believing they were untouchable. Mark and Jesse were two of those people.

I threw it towards Arny, who quickly swapped out masks before checking all of his guns and ammunition before we headed out. I grabbed the other sword and my knives before strapping on my bulletproof vest. It was slightly bulky but I was going for kills, not style.

We looked at each other, pulled our masks over our faces and nodded, exiting the house. It wouldn't do me much good to lock it if I was someone's target and they wanted to get in. We walked towards the road, immediately noticing people shooting windows (why?), some shooting at each other. Society seemingly falling apart immediately before our eyes.

"I thought it would've taken at least a little longer than this." Arny muttered sarcastically.

"A whole year of pent up rage? I'm honestly not surprised. We're not here to sightsee though, let's get going." He nodded as we continued. Thankfully I lived in an area where people had a decent amount of money. We walked through people's driveways, weaving in between cars, trucks, boats and RVs.

Two people, faceless masks, suddenly appeared in front of us, Arny quickly taking two shots without sparing them a glance as we continued.

Jesse was one of the targets we shared. We heard him talking shit about how his dad was some higher up. How he was going to be completely fine, he wasn't going to need much protection when he went after the people who fucked with him. Arny and I just laughed silently to ourselves before adding him.

We found his house with ease. His father was one of the higher ups after all. It was public record. Their house had a few cameras, though they weren't wireless which was a mistake. We looked at each other for a moment, quickly separating to see if there was a point where the wires of the cameras met.

There was at the back of the house, but it led inside the house. This turned out to benefit us, however, because there weren't any cameras facing the back. I took my knife, slicing through the wires as we ran to the side where Arny had noticed some security guard. He was half asleep, barely noticing what was going on. Some guard.

I tested the window. Locked, naturally. I rolled my eyes at the thought of having to smash it which would alert him but I didn't have a choice. I grabbed a rock and smashed the window, quickly climbing in and slicing the guards throat, moving on as Arny climbed in behind me.

I stepped aside as he quickly swapped out his pistol for a set of dual mini machine guns and took a step into the hallway, turning his head to either side as he took aim and shot down either guard that ran at him. He looked back at me as I frowned (not that he could see).

"I honestly didn't think he was telling the truth. This might take some work."

"I didn't either but we gotta finish what we started. Can I borrow your pistol?" He handed it over and I turned towards the breaker box, shooting it twice and plunging the house into darkness before handing it back to him.

"Let's go." We left the security room, separating and moving down each corridor. I could faintly hear footsteps running towards me as I hid around the corner. Judging by the footsteps, there were at least two. As the first one came around the corner, I kicked his feet out from under him, causing the one who was running behind him to trip.

They were both wearing bulletproof vests, though I couldn't say I was surprised. Helmets, though, were going to make this difficult. I kicked the one who was on top, causing him to roll over onto the floor. I jumped onto the other, who was attempting to get up at this point. I stomped on his neck, hearing a crack before turning my attention back to the other and stabbing him in the throat.

I hated repetitive kills.

I turned the corner, moving down the hallway, quietly opening doorways, scanning rooms, before coming to meet Arny at the conjoing hallway that led to the rest of the house. I shook my head, watching in disappointment as he shook his as well. Just then, a flashlight was on us, a gun pointed in our faces as Jesse smiled.

"You really thought it was gonna be that easy?" I looked over at Arny and smiled, knowing he was smiling too as we held back our laughter.

"Go on, speak. I wanna know so I can tell the whole school who had the balls to try and-" I pushed the gun in the air before gripping the barrel and tearing it out of his hands before he could say another word.

Arny shot him between the eyes and he fell to the ground.

We walked around the rest of the house, grabbing some of the cash they left out. We'd have to check tomorrow if it was counterfeit. We stopped in the living room, Arny kicking the carpet and seeing a metal doorway. Probably a hidden passageway or panic room. We rummaged around Jesse's body for a moment, finding a note in his pocket.


I walked over and stomped once, twice, once, three times. As the door slowly opened, the first person to pop their head out, Arnys first target, was Jesse's dad. I stepped aside as Arny knelt down and pressed the gun to his temple.

"Tell the Devil I said hi." He spit out.

Then he pulled the trigger.

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