Chapter 9: Years Later

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It had been years ever since Moses ran away. It took an impact on Rameses and since he was the new Pharaoh, he would do everything to help Moses escape the murder Moses did to protect an old man Hebrew. Y/N was proud of the action Moses did, even if it caused the death of the guard. For years the Hebrews were slaves and the law was practically meant to PROTECT PEOPLE and not torture them. Why didn't Rameses change it, you may ask? Because he was blind. He married Nefertari and they had a son together, Seti. 

Y/N sighed, feeling a bit depressed. She's been here for years and yet, she misses her home. She learned a lot about Egypt here during her stay here. She spoke with Tuya from time to time, even when she's not present here being with Rameses as a mother. Tuya wasn't a lot known in real life, only that she was the mother of one of the greatest Pharaohs of all time. 

Y/N was not only close to Tuya but also to Seti. She's devasted to learn that he will die soon when Moses arrives here back in Egypt with this time his wife, Zippora. If you have seen the movie, Nefertari doesn't appear much in the movie, only perhaps in the background as a lover and wife to him but to Y/N's greatest shock, Rameses didn't treat her as his wife like he should be. Instead, he looked unhappy to be with her and so was Nefertari herself but she kept her chin up. 

Y/N heard running footsteps as she walked. She stopped in her tracks and saw it was Seti, the son. Y/N smiled a bit, always happy to see him like a good aunt)figure she was. Yes, Seti called her "auntie" since he was still small kiddo. 

"Hey, auntie!"

"Hey, Seti. What's wrong?" Y/N smiled as Seti seemed in a good mood today. 

"Father is preparing for a party. He wants you to be there! It would make him happy if you did!" Seti tucked on Y/N's white silk dress. 

Y/N couldn't believe what she heard from smart kiddo like Seti. He wasn't blind to notice how happy his father looked with Y/N being present in the room as him. But didn't the poor kid feel sad since his own parents weren't happy with each other? 

Y/N simply smiled with a nod and went with Seti towards the throne room but a question kept always on her mind. Will she be able to save Seti? 

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