Chapter 7: Rameses, The New Pharaoh

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Y/N was walking on a peaceful night after the Zippora accident happened. She knew that she will be ok with her heart since the movie showed it. Moses began falling in love with her, which Y/N found cute. But weird that they do not have any kids just like the true story behind it from the books. 

Y/N was walking down the hallway corridors as she decided to explore the area palace more of Rameses, Moses, Pharoah Seti, and his queen Tuya. She was in utter amazement by everything she saw in her own eyes. What she didn't like much was the sun itself. No wonder it was so hot and many Egyptians suffered but Y/N's heart went out to Hebrews for being slaves and working in pure hotness. It was utterly dangerous for their health. 

As Y/N found a perfect place, she began to study the hieroglyphs painted (or written) on the walls. If you found it on YouTube or reading websites from the official experts, you could finally read what it said since there were around (maybe) 700 hieroglyphs. The girl was trying to guess what it said based on them. She even found some telling stories!

But then she found Rameses. What was he doing here? It was late at night and Moses was still outside, meeting his biological siblings for the first time in years. Y/N saw that Rameses' head was down like... he was upset. Y/N casually walked up to him and stood next to him. "Hey... are you alright? You look down."

Rameses looked up to meet the familiar female voice and saw it was the beauty in his eyes, Y/N. This time he didn't blush as his heart was full of sadness and grief. He was quiet for a moment as he watched Y/N sit down next to him, which he was grateful for. He stared into Y/N's eyes for a moment, getting lost in them until he looked down and told her the truth. "Father passed away. Now I'm the new Pharaoh."

Y/N leaned her head into his shoulder in a comfortable manner to comfort him. Even though Rameses was now the new leader of the temples the movie never showed Seti's death and what happened to Tuya after that. She felt sorry that Rameses lost his father. But what about Moses? Seti wasn't even his true father. In fact, his biological father was the cousin of his biological mother. Maybe his true mom died of an illness? It would've been sad she never got to see her son again as a true deliverer to free the Hebrews. Y/N the belief in the afterlife is very strong in Y/N's belief and here in Egypt. Let's hope that Moses saw his parents again in the afterlife. 

I"m sorry, Rameses. But you aren't alone. I will be always by your side."

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