Chapter 3: Run!

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Ok, meeting Huriya was awesome yet strange at the same time. So, she was the symbol of freedom? That was cool but yet there were so many questions being asked. So, if Huriya was real, did that mean other Gods and Goddesses as well? She did mention others and it's them. But what do you believe? Everyone had their own beliefs.

Y/N groaned as she began to wake up. The description of what she's laying on was hard and... sandy? Y/N's eyes opened up with a snap and gasped as she sat up. She yelped in pain as there was a sharp pain in her back. She couldn't see where but when she felt the area, she knew it was a bruise... a big one. 

Y/N shook her head softly with a sigh. She then looked around and notice that she was in a desert. Fear began to kick in. She was in a desert?! She quickly stood up and brushed the sand off of her clothes. She noticed her clothes were different. She wasn't robbed or anything like that. Huriya must've changed the clothes because it was Egypt after all. The pants' sleeves were cut short up to her knees while the shirt sleeves were also cut short up to her shoulders. It looked cool but many people could mistake stuff you didn't wish to hear. 

"My, God..." Y/N mumbled as she looked around again and this time, she saw a city in the distance! 

The panic was truly washed away and began to walk toward it. Thank God for the good shoes she had. It protected her from the sand but also from like tiny animals living in the desert. Once she had arrived, she got... stares. Stares from both some Hebrew slaves and a lot of Egyptians. 

"Look at her."

"She's beautiful."

"Is she a foreigner?"

"Is she a spy?"

"Look at her hair and eyes."

The stares made the poor uncomfortable. It was just too... much. Y/N simply kept it to herself, made her chin high, and walked. She had to get help. She needed it. She was stuck in the timeline of The Prince of Egypt and EVEN in Ancient Egypt. It was her favorite all-time dream to visit Egypt but she never expected to be ever in it! Oh boy, it would take so many years to get to modern times today. 

Y/N felt herself shaking slightly from all the stares. She had to get out of here but sadly, some of them gave Y/N surprisingly sympathetic stares, and Y/N was confused at first until...

"Hey, you!"

Y/Nwas scared when she noticed it was one of the guards calling to her. There were two. The girl didn't hesitate but started running fast as Sonic the Hedgehog. Gotta go fast! But seriously, how fast were people during these times? Faster? Slower? 

"Get her!"

Y/N ran even faster now but damn was it annoying with your heart wanting air and even feeling a sharp pain in your side from running too fast! Y/N turned sharply and pressed herself against the wall and held her breath as the guards ran past her. She did it! She succeeded! Just as the girl sighed in relief, she couldn't believe what she heard next.

"Get her! I see her!"

Y/N groaned as she took a few breaths fast before bolting again. She was sweating now like crazy now because of the heating sun. She was not planning at all to take her clothes off here! She needed help desperately. 

A hand suddenly grabbed her arm and pulled her into the shadows. The other hand quickly covered Y/N's mouth from screaming. The girl was scared. Who was it? Who was that? Y/N struggled as she tried to scream for help but then a very familiar voice whispered close into her ear. "Shhh, we are the good ones."

Y/N stopped struggling. It was...

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