6. The Legend of Salem (Halloween Short Story)

Start from the beginning

"The question is, what are you doing out here in the middle of nowhere, especially on Halloween night?" "Don't you know what happens here?" He said this while slowly walking to face me from behind me.

"Um... well, it's my birthday at midnight, and I wanted to see if the legend is true." I came out here to prove to myself that I was a legend. I said this while turning slowly to look at him. He looked like a hot sports model, and that made me feel like I was going to faint because I thought this was a dream.

"Well, now you know the legend is true, and I guess you know now I am going to have to eat you," he said while staring into my eyes as his eyes started to glow like those glow-in-the-dark stickers you put on your ceiling.

"I think I am dreaming... yup, definitely dreaming because this is not real... yeah, I think I am going to faint now." I said this while struggling to talk while losing my balance and falling to the ground. All of a sudden, I felt two strong, warm arms hold onto me.

After a few minutes, I woke up with him leaning over me while looking down at me with a concerned expression, like I had hit my head on something hard like a rock. I saw his eyes glowing; his sharp teeth looked like they could tear my body to shreds, which made me more scared than ever. He just kept looking at me like I was snacking on him. When he touched me, I felt a spark throughout my body, like fireworks, and my heart felt like it was going to burst in the air. He helped me up from the floor and said...

"You probably hit your head on something hard, but here is a first-aid freeze pack," she said while handing it to me.

"Am I still dreaming?" Are you a real werewolf? I asked him while looking at him, confused.

"Yeah, I am a real werewolf living in the woods, where I live in a cave and pee like a dog on random things," he said and laughed.

"Wait, what now?" I thought there was no such thing as a werewolf. "Are you going to kill me or something?" I asked him while I was looking at him like he was crazy or something.

My heart swelled with love.

"I knew it. There were real werewolves, and my grandma said it was just a fairytale like Little Red Riding Hood," I said in excitement.

Well, I better go before someone decides to shoot me and thinks I am a deer in the woods. It's definitely hunting season. I will find you; you will always smell like Reese's peanut butter cups, and you should get home safe. Do not worry; we will see each other again, and now you know where to find me. "Also, happy birthday to my Reese's Cup," he said and kissed my lips, which made his lips taste like chocolate and peanut butter mixed. He quickly disappeared in the darkness of the woods, as if without a trace.

I grab my backpack while replaying what just happened in my head. While walking out of the candy factory, I grab a few bags of Reese's candy for him when I see him. I walked home feeling like I was one of the happiest and luckiest girls in the world. It took me a good half an hour to get home and sneak back into my bedroom, where I was lucky to have a big tree next to my bedroom window that I could always climb into or out of. When I finally reached my bed, I threw my bookbag on the ground with a big thump on the floor that could wake up my parents in the next bedroom.

As I lay under the covers, I wondered who that guy was, how he became a werewolf, if I'd ever see him again, if anyone else knew the truth, and a slew of other things. I felt something like paper in my pocket. I took it out and began to read the note.

Hey Reese's Cup,

I can answer all your questions about werewolves and the legends. Also, I know where you live now because I have been watching you for quite some time, especially with you spending lots of time in the woods. I am not a stalker, but I just wanted to make sure you stayed out of danger and harm's way. I will always be watching you and will be somewhere nearby if you need me. I will be there for you. If you need me, just open your window and put a Reese's cup in it. I will smell it from miles away, and I will be running. You can always howl, too. I bet your howl is so cute, like a kitten meowing. Oh yeah, and we do have phones and live in your town, but we just happened to look normal. You can either call or text me, and I will answer as soon as possible. Sweet dreams of my Reese's cup, again Happy Birthday I will see you soon, hopefully in your dreams tonight. Oh, and by the way, you look so cute when you blush. It makes me feel wanted. Good night, my sweetheart.

Your werewolf hunter, xoxo

I quickly reread the note he had left me in my pocket. He must have written that when I blacked out and took care of myself. His handwriting was well done, and it looked like he wrote it like an old-fashioned letter. After reading it a few times, I got up from my bed to open the window to let in some fresh air and possibly to see if he would ever come to my window just to see me. I went back to bed after changing into my pajamas and sliding under my warm blankets. I plugged my phone into the charger and looked out the window into the night sky, where I saw a full moon and some glowing eyes from the tree. I knew he was there, ready to protect me from something bad and watch me sleep. I fell asleep as he watched me from the tree and looked out for danger.

Now I know the real truth of the legend of the town, especially how to keep Hunter safe from human hunters and their secrets. I can't tell anyone what happened or how I know werewolves exist because they'll think I'm crazy and need to go to a mental hospital to take a bunch of pills and talk to a bunch of different doctors. Maybe one day people will know the truth, but in the meantime, it will be my little secret. It was one of the best birthdays I ever had, and I will always remember it.

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