"I know, but I'm not letting you go home soaked in wine," Grimm replied, removing his coat and placing it over his berry's shoulders, "So we're going to my place where you can shower and change."

"Thank you," Ichigo blushed, "Grimmjow."

"Of course, my strawberry."


They reached Grimmjow's apartment and Ichigo was amazed. It was huge for an apartment. The walls were gray and white and it was incredibly clean except for the few ties laying on the couch. Too caught up in looking around the living room, Ichigo didn't notice Grimmjow drop his hand and start walking down a hallway. It was only when he spoke did Ichigo snap out of his daze.

"I'll get you a change of clothes and you can use the shower!" Grimm yelled from down the hall.

"O-okay!" Ichigo yelled back. Taking off his shoes, he placed them by Grimm's by the door as the model walked back with a pair of dark gray sweats, boxers, and a black long-sleeved shirt in his hands.

"I'll show you where the shower is," he offered a smile, "Come on."


Grimmjow had shown Ichigo the shower and went to change. He stripped himself of the tie, dress shirt, and dress pants, replacing the outfit with a pair of gray plaid pajama pants and a tight black undershirt. He could hear the water of the shower running and he knocked on the bathroom door.

"Yo, Ichi?" he said over the noise of the water.


"Can I come in real quick?"

"Sure!" Grimmjow quickly walked in and grabbed the pile of wine soaked clothes and walked right back out. He went to his washer machine and threw they clothes and coat in, not bothering with separating the whites from the darks. He put in soap and detergent and waited to hear the shower stop before starting up the machine.

He walked over to the kitchen and started up some water to boil for tea. He took out two mugs and two tea bags. When the teapot started it's high-pitched scream, he turned off the stove and filled the two mugs with the hot water. As he was placing the tea bags in the water, he could hear soft footsteps padding their way down the hallway.

"Hey, Grimm? Where are my clothes?" Ichigo asked as he entered the kitchen. Without turning around, Grimmjow answered by pointing at the washing machine. "Grimm! You don't have to wash them! I was going to take them home and wash them myself."

Grimmjow turned around and couldn't help but gape at the sight in front of him. Ichigo had put on the clothes he had given him and, to be blunt, the berry was kind of drowning in the material. The kid had tied the pant strings extremely tight so they wouldn't fall down his small hips, and the shirt practically swallowed his skinny stature, the sleeves falling at least three inches past his fingertips. Grimmjow stiffed a chuckle and went to look at his strawberry's face. His jaw went slack as he saw a small white fluffy towel around his neck that was catching the small droplets of water falling from his wet hair, the light shining off of each drop as Ichigo looked through his bangs. Grimmjow quickly recomposed himself.

"Well, you're my guest; so, I'm washing them for you. No arguments," he said handing over a mug of tea, "Here's some tea to warm you up. Now, come over here so we can towel dry your hair so it's not dripping on your dry clothes, okay?" Grimm chuckled. Ichigo gratefully took the tea and silently followed Grimmjow to the couch.

Moving the askew ties, Grimmjow sat and motioned for Ichigo to sit in front of him. Ichigo quietly sat on the floor and faced Grimmjow, slyly looking up at him. Grimmjow tried not to smile too much as they appearance of his berry resembled a puppy. He gently grabbed the towel around Ichigo's neck and brought it up on top of the orange mop of hair. Carefully, as not to accidentally hurt Ichigo, he began rubbing the towel over the soft hair. when he finished, he threw the towel onto the coffee table and quickly ran his fingers threw the soft, orange tufts of hair, fixing it so it wasn't flying in all directions.

"There. All done. Now join me on the couch?"

"Thanks, Grimm," Ichigo blushed as he climbed onto the couch.

"So, what should we do now?" Grimm asked, sipping at his tea, "Sip at our tea silently and awkwardly? Ask even more questions? Throw our own little photo-shoot? Or cuddle and watch a movie?"

"They all sound amazing, You know, except for the 'silently and awkwardly' part," Ichigo laughed that amazing laugh, "But I should be heading home. I never leave my sister home along this late, so I'm kind of worried about her."

Grimmjow immediately took note of the anxiety seeping into Ichigo's voice. "Hey, you said your dad was supposed to get home tonight, didn't you? I'm sure she'll be fine," he said, trying to calm Ichi's nerves. Ichigo pulled out his phone from the sweatpants pocket.

"He is supposed to go home, but still. She's my baby sister. I worry. And Karin's at a friend's house so I know I don't have to worry that bad, but Yuzu is home alone and she can't defend herself. She got almost no muscle and-"

"Ichigo." Grimm grabbed the tea cup that was about to fall from the orange-haired boy's hand and placed it on the table with his. He turned back to his berry to see he had gotten off the couch and had started pacing. "Ichigo..." Grimm stood up and grabbed the berry's shoulders, "She'll be fine. If you want to, call her. Check in with her." Grimm chuckled in an attempt to lighten the tension.

"You're right. I sh-" Ichigo got cut off by a ringing. Almost immediately, he answered and walked over to a corner of the room for privacy. Grimmjow watched as the younger one's face relaxed in relief. The image itself was breathtaking. He noticed they sharp jaw line as his berry tilted his head to the side and smiled a toothy grin. He watched as Ichigo ran a hand through his shaggy hair as he spoke to his sister.

He sat back down on the couch and finished his tea as his berry hung up the phone and joined him on the couch.

"Everything alright?" Grimm asked, putting his now empty cup back down.

"Yup. She called to tell me that Dad had just gotten home and that she was going to bed and she wanted to say goodnight," Ichigo explained happily.

"See? I told you there was nothing to worry about," Grimmjow laced their fingers together and tugged Ichigo closer, "So...Movie?"

"Sure," the berry laughed as he scooted closer to the model without a second thought.

The Delivery Boy (boyxboy- GrimmIchi - ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now