Dragon Amongst Men: The Beginning Q&A

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A/N: Into something like this...

A/N: It would probably ruin the dragon forms of the Dark Souls trilogy and the lore of Dragon Communion

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A/N: It would probably ruin the dragon forms of the Dark Souls trilogy and the lore of Dragon Communion. Besides, Y/N's appearance can show the weak how formidable and fearsome he is. If readers are demanding changes for Y/N's new appearance, I'm sorry, but that's how he will look for the rest of the story, and that's FINAL. Unless he becomes human some time in the future of Dragon Amongst Men, but only for a specific reason.

A/N: Still, there will be no romantic scenes or lemons with Y/N and the girls. PERIOD.

Is dragon Y/N in the wrong universe?

A/N: For the Sekiro players, I know what you're thinking. Y/N's a Chinese dragon, and all of you are saying to yourselves, "Author, this Y/N doesn't belong in Elden Ring. He belongs in Sekiro instead." Well, since there's a samurai class, that's the reason why dragon Y/N looks like the way he is. Otherwise, his appearance would be different a long time ago.

Why doesn't Old English occur often?

A/N: In the Soulsborne franchise, Old English is one of the few keys that makes the games special. Since I'm not used to typing Old English, like how I do it in the past stories, that's why it doesn't occur often. The only times Old English occurs is when the NPC is speaking from in game dialogues.

Upon death, how do bosses regenerate so quickly?

A/N: Before I explain, this story is a combination of in game and lore. Since golden mists don't exist in the story, which is the obstacle that traps players in the boss rooms, most of you may be thinking, "Author, why can't Y/N just run out of the room if there's no mist?" You see, there are two reasons. One, the bosses will probably chase the protagonist nonstop until he is dead or they're stuck on something that prevents them from going after Y/N. Two, Y/N isn't a coward, and he would face any foe he comes across.

Why does Y/N act so humble and serious? And why is he overprotective at times?

A/N: Y/N is a character who tries not to be so angry all the time, and rather tries to act like a monk, and also be respectful to others. He's only serious because Y/N isn't really a type of person who's into comedy often, and he's overprotective around the girls because he fears that they might get killed by opponents stronger than them.

Was Radahn's death really necessary?

A/N: In order to unleash Ranni's fate, killing the Starscourge is one of the few keys of completing Ranni's questline. Y/N had to kill Radahn, like what Sellen said. It was pretty tough, though, for it would hurt Rennala deeply inside to see one of her sons die.

Is dragon Y/N too big?

A/N: Although the dragon forms in the Dark Souls trilogy remained human sized, I decided to follow the Magma Wyrm lore a little by increasing Y/N's dragon form size. It would be alright to see Y/N keep his normal size, but I wanted to do a combination of Dark Souls and Elden Ring. So far, the only problem Y/N faced was when he goes through small doorways and maybe fit in certain lifts. Other than that, there's actually nothing wrong.

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