When He Helps You Learn Another Language

Start from the beginning

"Yes! That'd be great!"

"Genki desuka?" (元気 ですか) Zane says

"Genki desuka?" (元気 ですか) You say glancing towards Zane, assuming you're wrong

"Yes! Excellent (Y/N)!"

"Wait, really?!" You say, face lighting up.

"Yes. You are doing excellent!"

"Awesome! Thanks, Zane!"

"You are quite welcome! Is it your desire to know thank you?"

"Of course!" You exclaim.

"Arigato." (ありがと)


"No, not quite, my flower. Arigato."

"Aregato!" You say more confidently.

"You are almost there! You are just forgetting the I." Zane says very patiently.

"Arigato!" (ありがと) You say again, slightly frustrated.

"Yes! You pronounced it correctly! Great job, my flower." Zane says giving you a kiss, and causing you to smile.

"So what about, I love you?" You ask smiling

"Daisuki." (大好き)

"Daisuki?" (大好き) You say slowly, unsure with yourself.

"Yes, that is correct. Daisuki, my flower!" (大好き)

"Daisuki, Zane." (大好き) You smile.

"You know what would be cool to learn?" You say out loud, looking at Cole.

"What?" Cole says looking at you.

"Latvian!" You exclaim

"I can teach you if you'd like." Cole says smiling.

"Wait. You already know Latvian?" You say shocked

"Yeah. One of dad's quartet members actually spoke Latvian. While he lived with us, I had to learn it so I could communicate with him, while mom and I helped him learn English." Cole smiles.

"Oh, that's really cool! Yeah, I'd love to learn!"

"Let's start basic, with hello. That's Sveiki."

"Swayki?" You say uncertain.

"No, it's sv not sw. And more of a than than ay." Cole corrects


"Yes! Very good! How are you is kā vai Tu esi?"

"Kā vai Tu esi?"

"Yes! Very good! Now you know two basic phrases!" Cole says smiling.

"What about good afternoon?" You ask

"Labdien." Cole says quickly

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