When He Helps You Learn Another Language

Start from the beginning

"Спасибо." You say, understanding what Jay wanted.

"Great job, (Y/N)! Bye is Пока."

"Пока. That's simple enough!" You say excitedly.

"Я люблю тебя, my princess." Jay smiles

"What?" You ask confused.

"I said I love you. Do you want to learn it?"

"Of course!" You say, making Jay excited

"Я люблю тебя, (Y/N)."

"Я люблю тебя, Jay."

"I give up! I quit!" You say frustrated.

"My flower, ninja never quit." Zane smiles.

You give Zane an unamused glare.

"I can't tell whether you're being serious, or a smart aleck." You say

"What if I am being both?" He smirks.

"Zane Elijah Julien! Did you just smirk at me? After claiming you were being a smart aleck? Is your funny switch on?" You question amused.

"No, it is not. I have obtained different quirks from the others, after observing them. Did I execute it correctly?"

"Yes, you did." You say kissing him on the cheek.

"What are you frustrated about, my flower?" He asks wrapping an arm around your shoulder

"I'm trying to learn Japanese, but it makes no sense to me!"

"I am fluent in several languages including Japanese! Do you desire my assistance?"

"Of course you are... Yes, I would love your help! How do you say hello?"

"Kon'nichiwa." (こんにちわ) He says quickly

"Cone itchy what?"

"That is not what I said. I said Kon'nichiwa. (こんにちわ) Attempt it slower... Kon'nichiwa." (こんにちわ) Zane says slowly.

"Cone ichiwa."

"You are close to success. Give it one more attempt! Konnichiwa."

"Kon'nichiwa." (こんにちわ) You finally say about to give up

"Correct! What other phrases do you require more assistance with?" Zane questions.

"What about, My name is (Y/N)?"

"That would be watashi wa (Y/N) desu." (私わ__です)

"Wasabi wa (Y/N) desu!" You say confidently.

"You are mostly correct." Zane says smiling.

"Mostly? What did I mess up on?" You say completely clueless.

"You said wasabi instead of watashi."

"Oh, then Watashi wa (Y/N) desu."(私わ__です)

"Well executed, my flower. Now I presume you would like to know the phrase how are you, correct?"

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