Chapter 39

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Rosh had his legs crossed as he smiled to the people infront of him.

After the slight dispute and misunderstandings from earlier, they finally decided to peacefully have a talk.

They were sitting at the living room, the sofa sets are face to face not far from each other and only a small rectangular table in between.

Catherine continuously switched her eyes between Rosh and Hyacinth. She was very surprised and almost attacked the unexpected guest when she first saw him earlier, but her lady stopped her.

Leaning slightly to her brother, she lowly whispered. ''What happened?''

Carlos glanced at her with a bitter look, gently massaging his neck and wrists. He whispered back. ''Me almost dying, is what happened.''

She raised a brow before shooking her head. This is a talk for later.

''Rosh Razon.'' Hyacinth called grimly. ''What do you want?''

She cautiously observed his every move. After she witnessed what he did to her subordinate, she didn't dare let her guard down. That child is very dangerous.

''Lady....I never got your name, lady.'' Rosh said sheepishly.

''It's Hyacinth. Hyacinth Matilde Wesyl.'' She gritted her teeth.

''Right, Lady Hyacinth.'' He fake smiled.

''Do you know that grief doesn't disappear even after death?''

Everyone looked at him strangely, not knowing why he suddenly said such a thing.

''What are you saying?''

''Such emotion doesn't die, but instead transfers to the living involved.'' He said.

Rosh huffed sarcastically. ''However, it doesn't apply to me.'' He pointed at himself. ''Grief circulates and returns even in my life or death.''

Anya had a confused expression. She didn't know the purpose of such vague quotes.

''What are you applying?'' Hyacinth furrowed her brows.

Even she was confused. Life or death? He is saying it as if he had experienced death before. She immediately discarded the thought. Impossible, nobody had the ability to resurrect the dead, unless they're gods.

''Ah, yes. I believe this is where the origin of a potential contract starts, right?'' Rosh grinned.

He combed his smooth black hair back with his fingers, showing his full forehead and his glowing blood red eyes.

''Let's get on to business.''


Razon Manor

From the shadows, Rosh appeared inside his room with a smile. Obviously  he was happy.

He had just made a deal with the Wesyls, a contract with most texts from their conditions, but the results to his advantage.

He looked at the swaying clock on the corner, it was already morning, but it was early enough for Yves to not come yet.

Rosh went to his wardrobe and changed his clothes into his nightdress at the shortest time possible.

He walked back to his bed and sat down. His eyes curved into a crescent from his smile as he looked at the object in his hand. It was a black insignia given by the brave little kitten, in layman's term, Anya. It was supposedly a key to go straight past through the barriers of their estate if ever he decided to visit again. Though he doesn't really need it, he was amused by her small gesture. She trusted him almost too much for someone she just met.

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