Chapter 22

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''I really didn't mean it that way. I don't think you're worthless either.'' Samuel said awkwardly.

Rosh fakely smiled.

''Thank you. You're one of the fewest persons to ever say that to me.''

It wasn't exactly a lie. Before, it was only his grandfather who told him those things, but now, Samuel got included in the list too.

Samuel, somehow, got flustered. He's too kind to be true...


Before he could add something, the two other kids woke up at the very same second. They have scared and ugly expressions when they regained consciousness.

'The brats have finally woken up.' Rosh thought and silently sneered.

Eveia and Enzo Lune wriggled and struggled from both of their tied limbs.

''W-where are we!?''

''I got kidnapped! Mother, father!''

Rosh and Samuel sweatdropped. The other party was using all of their energy to try and get out of being tied, but it was useless since they were trapped very tightly.

They continued to panic as they loudly tried to shout for help.

Rosh spoke, acting like a nervous boy.

''Uhm, excuse me? C-can you calm down now?''

The other two ignored him and started to move their bodies violently that they almost hit their heads on the hard ground.

''Ah! I can't stand it, this place is too dirty!'' Eveia looked at their positions with a disgusted expression.

''My wrists and ankles will be scarred, my handsome body won't be perfect anymore!'' Enzo shouted with teary eyes.

Rosh secretly rolled his eyes. Here comes the narcissistic brat in the house. Does he really need to befriend him?

Finally, Samuel sighed and decided to interrupt.

''You two better stop before our kidnapper comes here and shut you both up.''

Enzo Lune stopped his moves and gulped, imagining possible things that could happen to them if their kidnapper comes.

On the other hand, Eveia shot Rosh a sharp glare. This was all because of that pretencious guy! She wouldn't have been there with them if it wasn't for him!

''Those ropes on our arms and legs are tightly tied and are chanted with a nullifying spell, you won't be able to get it off even if you have your blessings anyway.'' Samuel said.

Although Samuel was only ten, he could notice the small track of magic on the ropes since he was very interested. He wasn't called a genius for nothing.

Rosh agreed inside his mind. The roped that Sean Virsh used to tie them with are special. They aren't just any other ropes.

The ropes have a nullifying spell that prevents magic or blessings from destroying it.

'A really smart move, Virsh.' Rosh thought.

However, such mere things could never bother him and won't be able to restrict his actions.

Just before the other children woke up, Rosh used the Siltheur's emblem to absorb the spell, it even strengthened Rosh's defense against magic. It was a win-win situation for him.

Rosh mentally laughed.

'These brats doesn't even have any idea, Eveia might have suspicions about this since she knows my true self.'

''What do you want us to do then? Just sit here and wait for our abductor to kill us?'' Eveia said sarcastically.

''Right! I agree! My life is too precious!'' Enzo second the motion.

''Then, do you have a plan to escape, Lady Schneider?'' Rosh asked innocently, hiding his sarcastic tone.

Samuel didn't think of his question as something sarcastic, he took it as an innocent question instead.

With Rosh's words, Eveia became speechless and her eyes darkened. This bastard!

''Besides, instead of trying to find help, you should expect that there's less than 50 percent chance of us getting out of here. Especially when we couldn't even move.''


When the two 'brats' were silenced, Rosh felt three more presences above the basement. He secretly grinned.

''So, uh, how about we introduce ourselves properly? T-that we could know more about..each other?'' Rosh asked.

Enzo and Samuel looked at each other while Eveia only gave him a hateful look, she doesn't have any choice anyway.

Rosh is trying to buy time, the right timing to do motion is the perfect ingredient for a 'set-up' plan.

''I'm Samuel Anthony Rome, 10 years old. Heir apparent of Marquis Rome. A pleasure to meet you.''

''The handsome and perfect, Enzo! Son of Count Lune, 9 years old. Nice to meet 'ya!''

''Eveia Anais Schneider, hearing my last name, there's no doubt you know me.''

Rosh smiled with a hidden malicuousness.

''I am Rosh Edward del Razon. First son of Duke Razon, it's nice to meet you.''

At the very moment he finished saying his greetings, a voice rang in his head.

''Master, the plan has been prepared.''

As Rosh heard Amros' voice, he almost let out a chuckle, fortunately he stopped himself.

'The game has started.'


A/N: This chapter is very short, guys! I'm sorry. Three of my family members are very sick right now, and I'm experiencing 'author's block' since this is my first story. Please forgive me.

I also have another reason. I'm writing a new story but I'm not sure if I'm gonna publish it. But stay tuned for my updates.

Thank you everyone for supporting me and my story itself!

Don't forget to vote and comment. Thank you so much, lovelots!


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