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It took Niall a week to wake up. He was greeted excitedly by the nurses around him, who were glad he was okay.

Not long after, Mila approached his bed, tears falling everywhere across her face.

- I-I'm so s-sorry - Mila stuttered, siting besides Niall's hospital bed as she looked desperately at him. - I didn't mean to h-hurt you. I didn't think you would f-fall - she said, between tears, looking shamefully at the Hufflepuff.

- Hey, hey, it's okay - Niall said, honestly, sitting up to face her (though he still felt dizzy). - I don't blame you. I blame the Tournament... they shouldn't put any of us in situations like that.

- Can you please forgive me? - Mila cleaned her face with her sleeves, still feeling guilty. - I'm really, really sorry that you got hurt.

- I forgive you, Mila - Niall smiles at her, trying to comfort the girl. - At least tell me that you won, then! - Niall said playfully, trying to cheer her up.

- I didn't... - Mila answered, looking at his blue eyes feeling less guilty, but still ashamed. - The boy from your school won, actually. Harry.

- Oh... - Niall said, not really sure how to feel about that information or how to respond to that.

- Well, are you going to the Yule Ball tonight? - Mila changed the subject, seeing that Niall had gotten quiet and awkward. - Maybe I can make it up to you with a dance? I have a date, but I'm sure he won't mind.

- You're too sweet, Mila - Niall laughs genuinely, hugging her gently. - But there's no need, we're all good. Maybe I'll see you tonight, though!

- Okay then, Niall. See you there - Mila smiled, standing up. - Thank you so much for forgiving me. I'm really glad that you are okay.

Mila walked out the infermary, her heart beting more slowly inside her chest now that she knew Niall was awake and okay, not feeling as guilty as she did before.

Right after she walked out, Liam walked in holding a bouquet of red roses, a faded smile on his face.

- You're awake - Liam said, his voice cracking up a bit as if he had been crying.

- Was I out for that long? - Niall turns to him, trying to joke to lighten up his mood as Liam seemed very sad. It didn't work very well.

- A week, Niall. You were out for a week - Liam seated at the foot of Niall's bed, looking nervously at him. - Everyone was worried. I was really worried.

- I'm okay, see? - Niall says plafully, puting his arms up to prove his point. He got a small laugh out of Liam for that.

- I'm so sorry for what happened, Ni. I brought you these.. - Liam said, handing the flowers over to Niall, making him smile. - I'm really glad you're alright. Zayn has been worried sick, too.

- Thank you, Liam. You're really sweet - Niall says, honestly, sniffing the flowers as he admired them. - I'm glad you're okay too.

- I didn't know they'd put you there. I know how much you dislike the Tournament and it's really unfortunate that you were put in that situation... - Liam says honestly, sitting closer to Niall as he observed the boy. - I guess they just picked someone each of us cared deeply about. For me, that was you.

- I care for you too, Liam - Niall says, also honestly, looking at his brown, conforting eyes as he spoke.

- I'm so, so sorry for what happened - Liam continues, holding Niall's hand in his. - It's my fault you were here...

- There's nothing to be sorry about. I should be the one that's sorry. The last time we were in this infermary, you were in my position and it had everything to do with me - Niall said, looking apologetic, holding Liam's hand back. - Yet, you forgave me. So of course we're all good, Liam. This is not your fault.

After that they stayed quiet, just sharing caring looks and holding hands, both with small smiles on their faces.

Liam was the one to break the silence, after a couple minutes.

- Actually, Niall, I have something else I want to talk to you about - Liam said, fixing his posture and turning his body to be completely facing Niall's. All of a sudden, he looked nervous.

- What's up? - Niall asked, weirdly, noticing how Liam looked stiff.

- I know you've been out for a while, and that you have just woken up and you're still recovering and all that, so I really don't want to pressure you or anything, so it's completely okay if you don't feel well or even if you don't want to, really it's completely up to yo-

Liam started rambling nervously until Niall cut him off.

- Hey, Liam, it's okay. Just tell me - Niall said, calmly, looking in his eyes.

Liam took a big breath, calming down his nerves a bit and looking back into Niall's blue eyes, his heart racing in his chest.

- Well, I was wondering if you'd like to go to the Yule Ball with me tonight?

Author's note:

there's good news and bad news, guys...

the good news is: next update will be a double update!
the bad news is: next update will also be the last one :(

so, to every single one of u who's reading this, all of us in our different time zones every where in the world, at midnight (BRT time zone) on friday i'll post the last chapters :')

i don't think ive ever told u this before, but im brazilian!! hence, brt is my time zone :)
where do u guys live?

don't forget to read the author's note on the last chapter when we're there, ok?
itll be very important.

luv u (so much) bye :')

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