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Liam, Harry and Mila were side by side, each with their own designed path on the forest that lead them to an ever growing tree.

Harry had won the first task and came in third on the second. Liam was the exact opposite, having won the second and coming in third on the first. Mila, on the other hand, came come in second twice. That meant that the 3 of them had absolute equal chances of winning the Triwizard Tournament.

Behind them was the audience, the biggest one yet. Literally every single student and staff member stood there to watch the task unfolfd.

Everyone but Niall, of course, as Harry had looked everywhere but didn't manage to find him.

To make matters worse, Louis was nowhere to be found too.

But Harry didn't have much more time to think about this, because just now McGonagall anounced the beggining of the task, the trio immediately speed running towards the forest, aiming for the tree.

This task was the trickiest one yet. Liam, Harry and Mila each an equal tree assigned to them. It was a Whomping Willow of some sorts, execpt it grew 5 meters taller every minute, making it that much harder to reach the top. Other than that, the tree was also sentimental, not liking to be touched on certain places and in certain ways, so it could trap at any time if you acted unlike it's liking. And, of course, it was constantly whipping everything that came near it with it's branches, hurting whoever dared to come close.

The goal was not only to climb the entire tree, but to get what lied on top of it and climb it back down, the first one to reach the ground safely being nominated the champion.

Once again, similarly to the first task, you were allowed to cast spells on your opponents. But absolutely no external help was permitted.

Knowing all of this, the trio was sprinting across the forest to get as fast as they could to the tree.

Liam had an advantage, since back in Castelobruxo most of their teachings were focused on Advanced Herbology, and he was able to cast some spells even without a wand. So, as soon as he reached the tree, he threw his hands up in the air and concentrated his entire strength on the tip of his fingers, observing as the Whomping Willow started to become still, allowing him to walk over to the base.

Mila and Harry stared at him dumbfounded, the both of them had already been whipped at least a couple times each when they tried to approach the base.

Harry, after a couple tries, was able to successfully cast "Protego", protecting himself from the tree as he ran towards the base, immediately grabbing its branches and starting to climb.

Mila was only able to start climbing the tree over 10 minutes after the boys, making her in a huge disadvantage.

The two boys had been climbing nonstop, trying to outrun both the growth of the tree and eachother. Harry had a little bit of a lead, but not so much so that he was confident in it.

Harry looked at his left to check if Liam had caught up to him, but as soon as he took his attention away from the tree he grabbed one of the sensible branches by mistake. As response, the tree immediately started growing around Harry, trapping him with its branches and making him unable to move.

Harry grew desperate as he watched Liam pass him, while still not being able to move his wand to free himself.

The Slytherin thought back on what Louis had taught him once; a very simple wandless magic. The only thing it did was rise the wizard's body temperature, yet was one of the hardest things Harry had ever learned (wandless magic was really goddam hard).

So the Slytherin took his time, concentrating his magic on his palm until finally his body temperature had rose high enough that he was profusely sweating, making him slimy and able to slip out of the tight grip of the branches, shaking his wand just enough to cast them away.

A similar deal happened to Liam, who had grabbed one of those sensible branches and the tree got rid of his grip, making him fall a a dozen meters before being able to grab the tree once again, losing his advantage.

Mila was using a steady, careful method. She was paying a lot of attention on where she touched, avoiding angering the tree so she could continue climbing safely. Soon enough, she started catching up to the other two.

Harry was the first to reach the top, walking carefully around the leaves so that he wouldn't fall back down. At the very center of the branches, on a wooden stake, was tied his best friend Louis. Until then, Harry had no idea he was there. Louis was awake, shaking himself constantly to try and free his body from the branches, with no success.

Harry walked over to him, charming the branches away and holding him to keep his friend from falling. Just then the Slytherin realized that not only him, but also Louis had to reach the bottom safely now, making it that much harder to get down.

When the Slytherin looked on his sides to his opponents trees, he saw a petite, apparently very young girl on his right, still tied up. On his left, though... on his left was Niall. The Hufflepuff was nervously looking around, tied to the same type of stake Louis just were.

Harry's heart sunk that very second. Niall, the one who's most against the Triwizard Tournament, was now fucking involved in it.

He wanted to kill Liam (and himself) for ever putting Niall in danger.

Before Harry could, somehow, go there and free him too, Liam reached the top and went to Niall's rescue.

The task turned out to be about saving someone who they cared deeply about. And, apparently, Liam cared deeply about Niall.

Which made it that much worse.

- We have to go, Harry - Louis said, exasperated, bringing Harry out of his transe. - I don't have my wand, by the way. I passed out and woke up here without it.

At this point, the task has been going on for hours already. About two, at the very least. And they were still only halfway done.

- Fuck - Harry said, under his breath, grabbing a strong branch and holding onto it, pulling towards Louis.

Louis understood the signal as they started climbing down the tree, Harry casting a spell on Louis that made him sticky, making it harder for him to fall and safer for him to climb.

They were going down way slower than Harry had went up, especially because every spell Harry had to cast, he had to cast again for Louis. They were barely out running the tree, who kept getting taller and taller.

Liam had tied Niall to his body and was gaining some speed, because differently from Harry and Mila, he didn't have to wait for his partner. Mila, by the way, was far behind, being the most careful ever because she had her little cousin with her.

Liam was getting closer to reaching the ground, meanwhile Harry and Louis were still halfway down and Mila was even further up the tree.

Liam was about 10 meters high now, and just before he and Niall could get down and win the Tournament, Mila casted a spell at them.

The charm made Niall unglued to Liam's back, and as the Hufflepuff's strength had been mostly gone after all the hours that had passed, he wasn't able to keep holding onto Liam's back without the magic, making Naill fall to the ground on his back from where they stood.

The Hufflepuff hit the ground hard, immediately making him go unconscious as a commotion started to form around his body. Tough Liam was so close to winning, he was disqualified for being unable to get both himself and Niall to the ground safely.

The last thing Niall saw, as he fell, was Harry desperately pointing his wand at him, shouting a protection spell. Still, Harry was too late, as Niall vision had already went black and he could not feel a thing anymore.

Author's note:

the last task!!
the book is so close to ending is not even funny :(

so, niall fell...

i guess the triwizard tournament is actually dangerous, right @/harry???

anyways, if you guys comment a lot and give stars ill update more today <33

luv u bye ;)

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