Currently the room was quiet, other than the sound of Levi's heart monitor beeping and the low hum of whatever else he was hooked up to. Eren thought that Levi looked pale, with a beauty that only death could describe. He had spent almost every single minute staring at Levi and thinking about Levi. Sometimes he would even talk to Levi. Completely one-sided but it made him happy.


            Tired. Eren felt tired. The days seemed to pass almost as slowly as it did when Levi was kidnapped. He rubbed his eyes and yawned. Eren shifted in his chair. Maybe he would take a small nap. He pulled up his chair, leaned forward and took Levi's hand into his, intertwining their fingers. Eren rested his head near their hands, glanced up at Levi and then let his eyes flutter shut.

            It wasn't even five minutes before Eren fell asleep.


            Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep...


            That was the only sound in the room. It was actually quite annoying. Besides the constant beep in the room it was peacefully quiet... and blindingly white.


            What the fuck keeps making that noise..? He thought groggily. His whole body felt heavy and stiff... He hazily tilted his head to the left gazing with blurry vision. Oh... He was shackled again... He glanced over to his right and saw some brown object next to him. He blinked and tried to refocus but couldn't. Bringing his left hand to his eye, he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. His right hand didn't seem to want to move...

            He blinked and realized that he didn't have shackles on... but a medical bracelet. He looked at the rest of his arm, there was an IV in his arm. He found himself surrounded by other bunches of wires... Now that he looked at everything, he wasn't in a hospital but somewhere vaguely familiar...

            It was now that he realized- Levi realized that he was alive.

            At this point in time Levi wasn't sure if he should be happy about this or not... But one thing was for sure, the moment he realized Eren was next to him Levi almost broke out in tears. To think that he had given up hope... It was like time had stopped completely. It was just them. All that mattered now was the person next to him, "E-Eren..?" His voice was scratched, it came out like a whisper and it felt weird to talk. Levi so desperately wanted to sit up and be in Eren's arms. His arm twitched and he realized why he couldn't move his arm, let alone his hand. Their hands were intertwined. It was a beautiful sight. Levi wiggled his fingers slightly trying to gain feeling. He squeezed Eren's hand. "Eren." Levi repeated this time a little louder and moved his left hand over to Eren, touching his messy brown hair.

            It wasn't real... There was no way... How could Levi be so lucky to see Eren again? He pinched himself- well at least he wasn't dreaming and if he was dead, this was a cruel fate. But no, he was alive and Levi wanted Eren know to know just how alive he was.

            Levi was so utterly happy that the first person he saw when he awoke was Eren.

Levi's Wings of Freedom (LevixEren) Shingeki no KyojinWhere stories live. Discover now