A New Day and New Friends

Start from the beginning

As I figured mom didn't even know I was gone, she had Saturdays and Sundays off of her waitress job, and Tuesdays and Thursdays off of her night guard duty. Today was Saturday so when I woke up, I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. I changed my outfit and joined mom at the kitchen counter/bar. My mom's name was Katrinia, her friends and co-workers called her Nia though. I had her carmel hair but my dads grey-green eyes. Her hair was short as was her height, another thing I had gotten from her. Mom turned around and smiled when she saw me she had some freckles on her nose making her look younger, her blue eyes were shining and happy. I gave her a smile back. "Morning mom!"

'Good morning flower, how was your weekend?'

'okay I guess.'

'where's Cocoa?' I looked down, 'Flower? What's wrong?!'

'Cocoa died on Wensday mom. A few friends helped me out but. . .' Mom turned the stove off and hugged me and we both cried. She took me to the couch and said to take it easy the rest of the day.

Then she smiled and kissed my forehead, 'How about I make smore cookies?' (AN:These are actually really good and gooey, made with marshmellows and chocolate chunks in a graham cracker cookie dough!! delicious!!) I smiled back and went to find a movie to watch as she made them. Mom brought the cookies and milk over and we both sat on the couch with a blanket and movie. Mom chuckled, 'That silly dog, Cocoa loved marshmellows and chocolate!' I giggled remembering him stealing a bag of marshmellows and eating half of them before mom took them away. And then another one when we left our hot chocolate on the coffee table and he drank both of them! 'Our hot chocolate dog!' we smiled and laughed at the memories, it was nice to spend time with her.

We both just hung out with eachother until she had to get ready for work. she looked at me, 'Lilly Tara? where is your phone?'

'Oh um I dropped it and it got killed by a car.'

She rolled her eyes, 'Come one you I have time to get you one before my night shift.'

'Thanks mom!' I got a cool purple and blueish slide phone, yeah I know it's old school but they don't brake as easily, and I tend to drop my phone alot. It just slips out of my hand so not my fault. After saying good bye to mom I went home put all the other contacts in and then decided to text Mikey.

LT: Hey Mikey! I got my new phone!!

M: Way cool dudett!!!

LT: Whatcha doin?

M: Kicking the shell out of some computer players!They got nothing on the Mikestar! ;D

LT: Lol!!

M: Hey when r u comin back?! :\

LT: I could come tonight?

M: Shell YEAH!!!

LT: Want me to bring pizza?

M: I think Im in love <3

LT: haha! I'll take that as a yes. Think you could help me get there?

M: Sure dudett! c ya in 20!!

LT: see ya!!

I grabbed my purse and a jacket, not the silly one, and went out to a pizza place close by that was called circle cuisine. I got four different pizzas and went back to my apartment. When I got to the kitchen I packed 2 dozen of the cookies in a red bin, man mom sure made a ton! I didn't have to wait for too long before my new orange friend was knocking on the window. Grinning I opened it up and was immediately swallowed in a hug.

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