"Oh...yeah. I kind of forgot about that."

"Are you going?"

"Yeah, I was gonna ask if you would come.


"Because Steve and Nance are going to be together and Tommy H and Carol annoy me. I'm third wheeling."

"I don't know...I promised Dustin I'd be home tonight."


"Okay fine. I'm not going to stay long."

"YAY! You are the best!"

"No problem."

"Come by at 8!!!"

Jamie nodded. 

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·. 

Jamie parks in her driveway after a horrible day at school, having to deal with her best friends ignoring her, failing a test, and being worried about her brother. She walked inside an empty house. Her mom was at work and Dustin was most likely at Mike's. She went to her room and started some homework before the party. She couldn't focus without knowing where her brother was, so she walked over to the phone and dialed The Wheelers. It rang a couple of times but then someone picked up.

"Hello, this is Mike."

"Mike! Is, uh, is Dustin with you? He isn't home and I'm just worried."

"Yeah, Dustin and Lucas are with me."

"Thank God. Alright, that's all I called for. Tell Dustin I'm going out for the night."

"Yeah, I'll do that."

"Thank you. Bye"


She hung up the phone, feeling a huge wave of relief off her chest. She walked to her room to get ready for the party. She decided to go with some mom jeans, a sweatshirt, and her beat-up Converse. 

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

She arrived at Steve's house before Nancy and Barb but she did hear Tommy H. and Carol screaming. She sighed then got out of her car and walked into the Harrington household. She went to the backyard where the teens were located.

"Jamie? I didn't think you were coming." Steve said.

"I changed my mind." 

Steve let her in and she followed him to the back. She sits down in one of the chairs and lights a cigarette, watching Tommy H. and Carol flirt. Steve sits next to Jamie and lights a cigarette. There was a lot of tension between them. Jamie hated Steve for what he did and Steve hated Jamie for not understanding why. The doorbell rang and he got up.

A few moments later Steve walked back with Nancy and Barb. They were all just sitting and talking while Steve shotgunned a can of beer. Then sat down

Nancy noticed and said, "Is that supposed to impress me?"

He looked at her while lighting a cigarette, "You're not?"

She looked back again smiling, "You are such a cliche, you do realize that?"

He rolled his eyes, "You are a cliche. What with your grades and your band practice."

He lights his cigarette and she says, "I'm so not in band."

"Okay, party girl. Why don't you just, uh, show us how it's done then?" He says handing her a pocket knife.

"Okay." She says taking the knife and reaching for a can of beer.

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