Wilbur angst

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A/N - As the part title, this was requested Wilbur Angst. Part credits to : @Me_isFay

this is a short part sorry about that-

Wilbur was relaxing in the butter van trying to get some rest and Quackity was helping some people around the area. Wilbur fell asleep for what felt like 10 minutes, when he woke up he was on the ground in his limbo.

He got up and looked around, "Shit, shit, shit! How is this possible?!" he thought. He started to shake, "Why am I here..?!" he yelled. He started to sweat and he started to get really stressed.

It was like that for 5-10 minutes before tears started rolling down his cheeks. He then came to realization that if he was there and he was alone, Ghostbur has went back. He fell onto his knees and tears fell onto the ground.

It got harder for him to breathe and he can't keep his balance due to how shaky he was. He started to cry even harder. He tried to take deep breathes but crying and the fact that is was already difficult to breathe wasn't helping.

He sat there, worrying that he's going to stay there the rest of his life. He's thinking about all the things he's going to miss out on. Tommy being very bright and funny with Ghostbur, being very successful. Quackity, dealt with his fiancé mess up and tries to help with Karl's memory.

"What did I do to come back here...?" he thought. He gave up that there was no way to go back to them. He has taken in that he was stuck in limbo for the rest of his life. No escape. His shaky arms gave in and made him collapse to the ground. He closed his eyes and started to go back at old happy memories that he's had.

For what felt like an hour, he heard someone. Two people screaming, his name. He started to recognize the voices. It was Quackity. When he stood up he wiped the tears off of his face and then the ground started shaking. He closed his eyes and yelled their names.

When he opened his eyes he saw Quackity with tears rolling down his cheeks. Tears started to roll down his cheeks as he looked at Quackity in the eyes. Quackity fell into his arms. He noticed Tommy standing outside the van and started crying even harder. When Quackity got up and walked outside, Wilbur started to take deep breathes to calm down a little.

He stood up and started to walk out of the van. Tommy gasped while cover his mouth with one of his hands. Wilbur wiped the tears off of his face and opened his arms with a weak smile. Tommy ran into his arms sobbing in his shoulder. Tommy fell to the floor and brought Wilbur down with him. He pulled away and tried to calm down.

"Hey.. deep breathes big man.." Wilbur said wiping tears off of his face. Tommy smiled at him. "I'm sorry.. it's just that you stopped breathing and I was scared I was going to lose you.." he said with a shakey voice.

"I was scared I've lost you as well.. but, look at this. I'm here, you're here and so is Big Q. I didn't lose you two." He smiled at him. Tommy hugged him tight.


Thanks for the request again, was requested by @Me_isFay great idea i had fun writing this and ik it took a while for a short part but i kept forgetting about it.

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