Angst 🫢

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Authors Note:

This is angst mostly involving Karl, Quackity and Wilbur. Basically tried to fit Wilbur into it because if he wasn't I would've been so lazy to make a new story for Karlnapity (which I will do soon).


Quackity ran to Kinoko when he found out that Karl and Wilbur were in an argument and could've escalated any minute. When Quackity found the two Sapnap was sitting against a wall knowing he can't do anything.

"You're just jealous because I can actually hold my nation together!" Karl yelled. "Jealous?! I am and never will be jealous of you and your dumbass nation!" Wilbur yelled back.

Quackity ran into the center of them both. "Both of you, shut the fuck up! Why are you guys fighting?!" Quackity yelled. "Well you're ex here decided to bring some bullshit about you up and brought the nations into it!" Wilbur said annoyed.

"Why were you here in Kinoko Kingdom anyways?! And Quackity, stay out of this!" Karl yelled. "No! I am sick and tired of your bullshit! You too Wilbur!" Quackity yelled . "Sick of my bs?! You're a fucking monster! A murderer!" Karl paused. Quackity started to walk to Karl and was about to snap.

"You better stay away from me! I hate you!" Karl yelled stepping back. "Karl! I fucking hate that you have to remember me like that! It hurts! You're such an asshole! ¡Probablemente no soy el verdadero maldito monstruo"Quackity yelled with his eyes tearing up.

(I'm probably not the real fucking monster!)

"Quackity.. just stop and let me handle all of this.." Wilbur said walking to Quackity. "Mantente alejado de mí Wilbur.." Quackity said rubbing his eyes.

(Stay the fuck away from me Wilbur..)

Wilbur stopped in slight confusion but still felt bad about what he brought Quackity into.

"Aww, gonna cry?" Karl said teasing Quackity. "Shut the fuck up Karl! Why did you even say bullshit about me?!" Quackity yelled. "I've said it earlier! You're a monster! A murderer!" Karl yelled.

"Quackity's not a monster nor a murderer! He was you're, our finace! You threw him away like hes fucking trash by building Kinoko! I only agreed because you're my fiance!" Sapnap yelled with tears rolling down his cheeks.

Quackity and Karl turned to Sapnap. Wilbur left to go get away from the yelling. "Amo.. Sap.." Quackity said. "What?! All you guys ever do when you guys see each other is fight! It annoys me.. it hurts!" Sapnap yelled.

"It probably would've been better if we didn't meet at all.." Karl said turning to Quackity. "Why the fuck did you turn to me while saying that.?" Quackity said slightly annoyed. "Because you have made me and Sapnap meet. You introduced us to each other." Karl replied.

"Karl! Stop this! It always starts with you!" Sapnap yelled. Quackity saw Wilbur's axe out of the corner of his eye and decided to run and grab it. "Quackity! Don't do that!" Sapnap yelled.

"It's already in my hands Nick!" Quackity yelled. Wilbur came back and noticed what was happening. "Don't you dare Quackity! You have a reputation!" Karl yelled. "I don't give a fuck about my reputation at this point! I am so sick and tired of you!" Quackity yelled.

Wilbur ran to Quackity and grabbed both of his wrists. "Sapnap come grab the axe!" Wilbur yelled. Sapnap ran to grab the axe and put it behind Karl. Wilbur turned Quackity around to face him. "Quackity listen to me.." Wilbur said.

"Let me go you fucking asshole!" Quackity yelled trying to get his hands out of Wilbur's grasp. "No! Listen to me!" Wilbur yelled. Quackity stopped and looked up at Wilbur.

"You've said this to me and want you to hear from me, just because he's your ex doesn't mean you can do this. You can't try to kill your ex. Thats not right and he's also correct in this, this will absolutely ruin your reputation, so bad that you'll lose everything." Wilbur said.

Quackity started to relax his arms, his eyes started to tear up. "I can't tell if you're trying to help me or if you're siding with Karl.." Quackity said hanging his head. Wilbur let go if his grasp a little bit. "I'm trying to help you.. I don't want you to lose everything you've worked hard for.." Wilbur said.

Quackity collapsed to his knees. "Karl's right.. maybe I'm just a monster.." Quackity broke out into tears. Sapnap ran to Quackity. "No.. you're not a monster Quackity..! You were the best fiance a person can ever ask for but you and Karl were fighting so we couldn't keep the relationship going.." Sapnap said hugging Quackity.

Wilbur grabbed Quackity's hand. "You're not a monster Q.. if you were a monster maybe you'd be a nice and cuddly one.. Never compare yourself to what someone said.." Wilbur said.

Karl walked up behind Quackity and went onto his knees. "I'm.. sorry Quackity.. you aren't a monster I was just being over dramatic.." Karl said putting his hand on his shoulder. Quackity stood up with Karl standing up behind him.

Quackity quickly turned around and gave Karl a hug. Quackity started to sob in Karl's shoulder. "Hey hey.. its okay.." Karl said with tears rolling down his cheek.

30 minutes later

"Alright.. we've gotta go..come on Q" Wilbur said. Quackity was light sleeping on Wilbur's chest. "Amor.." Quackity mumbled. "Yes.." Wilbur said. "Nevermind.. just realized what time it is" Quackity said getting up. Sapnap chuckled.

"Bye Quackity." Sapnap said. "Alex, Q, any nickname works good Sap." Quackity said waving bye.

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