Idek what to title this-

822 13 7

Authors note:


This is like the last idea in my head so- 😗✌️


Wilbur grabbed Quackity's hand pretty fast that it scared Quackity. "Holy shit Wil!" Quackity yelled.

"What-?" Wil responded confused. "You scared me!" Quackity sighed leaning back in his chair. "Sorry Duckling..-" Wil responded with an awkward smile.

"It's fine.." Quackity responded. "What do you want?"

"What I can't hold my lovers hand?" Wil said leaning to Quackity for a kiss. Quackity scoffed then grabbed Wil's face and gave him a kiss.

Wil pulled away with a smile, "Couldn't wait could you?" Wil said seducing Quackity.

"Oh shut up.. I could've wait.. you were just too slow." Quackity said pushing Wil's face away from his. "Yea right.." Wil said taking Quackity's hand off of his face.

"Also, stop seducing me. It's useless." Quackity added on. "Aww, I will never stop until it works Duckling.. so, this has to be something you have to get used to.." Wilbur said grabbing Quackity's chin and turning his face to him.

Quackity smirked, "Maybe I will get used to it.." he climbed on top of Wilbur. "Woah there Duckling..This is all going to fast for me.." Wilbur grabbed Quackity's waist.

"Are you worth all of this though.. you're just gonna leave me like the others.." Quackity said jokingly seducing Wil.

"Never're too precious.." Wilbur leaned in for another kiss. Quackity grabbed Wil's face once more to kiss him. They pulled apart from each other.

"You're so horny it's hilarious." Quackity laughed and got off of Wilbur. Wilbur scoffed, "Fucking asshole.."

"I'm sorry amor...can you forgive me..?" Quackity cupped his face. "No.." Wilbur responded with an unclear teasing tone.

"What... please I'm sorry" Quackity replied making it seem that he was actually sad. Quackity was able to make his eyes water to make it look like he is crying.

"Wait Duckling.. I'm sorry I do forgive you.." Wil said grabbing Quackity. "Damn I actually started to feel sad- it's crazy." Quackity said wiping the tears.

"Oh my fucking god.." Wilbur chuckled. "You make this seem so easy." Wilbur said covering his eyes while leaning back in the chair. "Make what so easy?" Quackity questioned moving Wil's arm from his eyes.

"Joking and teasing!" Wilbur said blasting up from the seat. "Well, I actually put effort in the tone of voice, the face everything!" Quackity replied.

"Okay not helpful but whatever.." Wilbur said going to Quackity's desk. "What are you doing.?" Quackity questioned.

"My ring, I put on your desk." Wil replied.

Fundy busted into the room and gave Wil a hug. "Oh, hello there kiddo!" Wil said hugging Fundy back.

30 minutes later. (This is all coming from my mind on the spot so if it doesn't make sense then, am sorry.)

Wil, Quackity and Fundy walked out of the office and went down to the bar where Foolish was looking for Fundy.

"Omg Fundy!!" Foolish went running to Fundy giving him a hug. "Sorry, I should've told you where I was going.." Fundy said hugging him back.

"Don't blame yourself.." Foolish said hugging him tight. Quackity smiled at the two hugging when all of a sudden Wil came from behind and gave Quackity a waist hug.

"God damn it Wilbur.. if you scare me one more time I am going to kick you out if the casino!" Quackity said putting his hand on Wil's arm.

"Sorry duckling." Wilbur mumbled in Quackity's shoulder. Fundy and Foolish chuckled as they pulled apart from each other.

"Oh shut up you two." Wilbur said pulling away from Quackity. "I feel that you're horny Wil." Fundy said.

Quackity chuckled, "WHAT?!" Wil yelled from behind Quackity hurting his ears. "Ow. Wilbur you're a bitch. First you scare me twice in 30 minutes and then hurt my ear drums.." Quackity said covering his ears.

"Boo hoo Duckling. I am not horny for one. Two, not my fault. Their fault." Wilbur replied.

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