Casino work

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Authors note:

Sorry about the angst last part-

I will be posting some angst but not a lot of it- so here's a nice one for makeup!

Also another sorry for how short the stories are I will try to extend this one a little bit.


Wil woke up to Quackity being in the shower getting ready for the day ahead. "Good morning duckling!" Wil yelled from bed.

"Good morning amor" Quackity yelled from the bathroom.

Wil got up and went downstairs to make breakfast for Quackity. When Quackity got out of the shower he saw that Wil was out of the bed and he realized that he's downstairs making breakfast.

He got dresses then went downstairs.

"Hello there Wil, how are you" Quackity said going to grab his tie on the chair.

"Good good, how'd you sleep Q?" Wil said

"I slept really good. Hey you know how slime died in the lava? I don't want to replace him or anything he was one of my best co-workers but until he is revived will you like to be my assistant?" Quackity said putting his beanie on.

"Uh, sure." Wil said pushing the breakfast towards Quackity.

After Wil finished getting ready and they both finished eating they headed towards the casino.

"Welcome my fellow citizens of Las Nevadas! Go where ever, except the staff only locations, and if you need any help go ahead and go find my co-workers, Fundy and Foolish! If you are new to this casino then you'll find them towards the gambling tables, you can also go ahead and ask this fine gentleman right behind me! " Quackity said opening the casino.

"Damn you do that everyday?" Wil asked while following Quackity.

"So Q, what is this guy? Your bodyguard?" Fundy asked teasing them both. You could hear foolish laughing in the back.

"Don't forget that my "bodyguard is your father Fundy.." Quackity said mixing the cards.

Fundy looked up at Wil and scoffed "So how's mom? Oh right, you guys aren't together anymore." Wil tried his best to keep calm.

"She left us.. I didn't leave her, besides if she stayed.." Wil paused and looked down at Fundy, "You would've hated her." Wil said with a smile on his face.

"Oh you little fucking asshole..! I never hated her and never will!" Fundy said angrily.

"Oh but you never had the heart to tell her that you were trans, she would've kept calling you Faith.." Wil said with a sarcastic tone.

Fundy left in anger. After that a girl walked up to the table.

"Hello what would like Ma'am? Just know that these tables aren't open yet. " Quackity said looking up.

"I know.. I've been coming here pretty frequently and I was wondering if you would like to go out with-? " asked the (random ass) girl.

"Listen I am flattered but" he was cut off by Wil

"Listen, like he said, he's flattered an' all but he's already taken." Wil said.

"So? His girlfriend doesn't need to know" the girl insisted.

"He's not straight.. and you're talking to his boyfriend like that." Wil said annoyed.

"Damn.. overprotective much..?" Foolish said from the table right next to them.

"Shut the fuck up Foolish!" Wil yelled.

The girl then left.

"Be nice amor." Quackity said going back down to the cards. Wil scoffed, he then got off of the table and leaned on the wall.

"Fundy's in charge of the bar?" Wil asked

"Sometimes, it was supposed to be me but you made him mad so-" Foolish stated.

Wil walked to the bar and sat on a stool, "Hey.. I'm sorry about the whole trans thing.." Wil said looking at the counter.

"It's fine dad.. anyways you want the usual?" Fundy asked

Wil was shocked. He was shocked that Fundy called him dad. "Wait did you call me dad?!" Wil asked.

"Yes now the usual-? Some girls are hitting on your man." Fundy said.

"Yes the usual" he said leaving the bar and he stood behind the girls.

"OmG yOu'Re so hot." Wil said mimicking the girls. The girls turned around and left shocked.

"An order for dad!" Fundy yelled from the bar.

"You might want to go get that" Quackity stated.

Wil went to go get the drink and went back to Q.

"The gambling tables are now open!" Quackity yelled. Q got up from the seat and Wil moved there.

"Hello hello ladies and gentlemen.. I just want to say welcome and welcome back to the Las Nevadas casino.. now, remember you get paid but you pay me back in the end, if you loose, well your in some debt. Anyways how much are you guys willing to bet.?" Quackity said getting the table ready for the gambles ahead.

Wil finished his drink and put it on the floor behind the counter. "Hey Wil get up real quick." Q said.

"Why when you could-" Fundy cut him off. "No!"

Wil got up chuckling. Q sat down for a little bit but still was working with his table. Wil picked Q up and took his seat again.

After hours of working, together and alone, it was time to close the casino.

Fundy walked to the mic, "Attention ladies and gentlemen! The casino is now closing!" Fundy said.

They were all pretty tired. Both Quackity and Wil working in one table, Foolish working in the other, and Fundy working at the bar.

"Anyone else want one more drink before we officially close?" Fundy asked.

"Sure. Usual for me." Wil said

"Uhm sure, which ever by the way." Both Quackity and Foolish said

"Alright you guys are all going to get the same thing so I don't have to make multiple.

After they had a few drinks, luckily no one was drunk, they all went home to enjoy the rest of their night.


Like always, I hope you guys have a good day/night where ever you are! You are loved you are special, at least to a few people.

1005 words!

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