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"I'm going to my parent's house today," Hwayoung whispered as she hunched over the dining table to write the words down on a sticky note. "Be back late tonight or early tomorrow. Hwayoung" She peeled the note off the others and placed it on the fridge. "Let's go." She looked up at Hyunjin who was holding her bag.

"Let's go!" Hyunjin said loudly.

"Shh." Hwayoung smacked his arm. "They're still sleeping."

"Right, sorry." He whispered.

Hwayoung had told Hyunjin to wake up early so they could spend a whole day in her neighborhood. Hyunjin didn't argue with this. She hadn't told any of her roommates beforehand that she would be going. She also hadn't told Hayun because she didn't want a repeat of last time.

"I was thinking of getting a job," Hwayoung said as they entered the train. She made sure to keep a straight face so she could get Hyunjin's genuine reaction. She took her seat next to the window, Hyunjin sat next to her. She looked slightly upward to make eye contact. He didn't say anything. He just stared. Naturally, Hwayoung didn't say anything either and just stared. They sat there staring, with no emotion on their face until the train started moving.

He smirked as she turned, breaking eye contact with him. "Dammit, I thought I would finally be able to tell what you're thinking. Um, what kind of job?" He looked back at her.

"I'm not sure just whatever I can get."

"Well, I can help you get a job if you want."

"No, it's okay." She smiled. "I'll get it myself."

Hyunjin leaned in, bringing their lips together. "You're so pretty." He leaned his head on her shoulder. She leaned her head on his.

"So are you."

They sat in the same position for the rest of the train ride.

"My neck hurts." Hyunjin rubbed his neck as they got out of the taxi.

"I wonder why." She knocked on the door. They could hear a dog barking on the other side. "Did they get a dog?"

Mrs. Jang opened the door with a corgi in her arms. "Hwayoungi!" She brought her youngest into a hug. "Hyunjini!" She brought him into a hug, not surprised he was here. "Are you two still not dating?" She asked once she pulled away.

"No," Hyunjin said shyly.

"Umma we're dating now," Hwayoung said in her usual monotone voice.

The couple had stepped into the house and Hyunjin stood behind Hwayoung. He had suddenly felt a huge pressure coming from Mrs. Jang. It wasn't even close to the pressure he felt the first time he met the Jangs. Mrs. Jang smiled what was a kind and sweet smile to Hwayoung but a threatening smile to Hyunjin.

"Honey, did you hear that?" She called into the hallway. Mr. Jang then walked into the room. "Hwayoung and Hyunjin are dating." She looked up at her husband.

Even more pressure. Hyunjin felt like a ton of bricks were sitting on his chest. He was trying his best to control his breathing. Remembering what Mr. Jang had said to him last time he was here came back to him. He needed to make Hwayoung happy.

"Hello, Mr. Jang." Hyunjin bowed at the older man.

"Hello, Hyunjin." He bowed back.

They stood there staring at each other as Hwayoung and her mom walked away. Hwayoung took off her shoes and neatly placed them with the others. Ms. Jang walked into the living room.

"Dalrae you'll never believe it." Mrs. Jang had called her oldest daughter, petting the corgi that was on her lap. "Hwayoungi and Hyunjin are dating." A pause. "I know right." Slightly longer pause. "Okay bye sweetie."

Youth Vol. 1 | Hwang HyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now