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Hwayoung was woken up by the sound of the vacuum in the living room. She turned on her side to face her bedside table. She picked up her phone and saw it was 9:35. She rolled out of bed, laying on the floor, she scrolled through her notifications and social media. Afterward, she got ready for the day.

The sun was shining bright this morning. Hwayoung walked to the cafe to tell the barista she isn't interested. She walked in and looked around to see if he was there. She saw him cleaning up a table and made her way over to him when she saw out of the corner of her eye Minho and Hyunjin. They were sitting in a booth on the other side of the room. She wanted to turn back around and come back another day but she didn't. She held her head high as she made her way over to him.

"Doyoon," Hwayoung kept a straight face. He smiled when he saw her. "Hi." She smiled back.

"Hi, Hwayoung,"

"Can I talk to you?" Hwayoung went back to a straight face. Doyoon set down the plates he was holding.

"Yeah," He looked behind her to his coworker. "I'll be right back, Soli."

Soli nodded back. The duo walked outside.

"Doyoon you seem like a nice guy but there's someone else I might be interested in," Hwayoung and Doyoon were confused by her words.

"You might be interested in?" He titled his head to the side.

"There's someone else I'm interested in," She came out and said. It felt real. She came to terms with it which made her feel lighter.

"I completely understand," He smiled at her.

She smiled back. "Thank you," She nodded her head before the both of them walked back into the cafe. Minho and Hyunjin were still there. She could feel their stares burn into her skin. She walked up to the barista behind the counter. "Can I get a vanilla iced coffee with almond milk?" She smiled at the barista.

"Can I get your name?"


"It'll be out soon," The barista smiled at her.

Hwayoung smiled back. "Thank you," She took a seat at the bar stools in front of the window. Not that long after she saw Hyunjin and Minho walk out. Minho waved at her from outside. She smiled and waved back. Hyunjin kept his gaze on the street ahead.

"Hwayoung," Doyoon called out. She walked up and got her drink. After retrieving her drink she made her way back to her dorm. Inside she found Jiyoung working out in the living room, taking up as much space as she could. Aejung, Nari, and Seongja were studying at the kitchen table. She walked into her room and jumped on her bed. With her face still on the bed she reached over and grabbed her pillow. "AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH," Her door was slammed open.

"What's wrong?"

"Is there a thief?"

"Are you hurt?"

"Did you fall off the bed?"

Hwayoung lifted her head to face her roommates. Jiyoung was holding a 15-pound weight. "I can't take it anymore," Hwayoung screamed back into the pillow.

"Can't take what?" Jiyoung placed the weight on the floor out of everyone's way.

"I think I like Hyunjin," She sat up.

"You think," Seongja sat next to her.

"I know and I've known for a long time now," She leaned her head on Seongja's shoulder. Seongja started smoothing down her hair.

The girls left her room together. Everyone went back to what they were previously doing. Hwayoung sat on her bed looking at Hyunjin's contact name on her phone.

Hwayoungie: can you meet me in front of your dorm in 10 minutes

Jinnie: of course

Hwayoung sent her text thirty minutes after she wrote. She didn't know if it was too soon or too late to talk to Hyunjin. She slowly made her way to the shoe rack.

"I'll be back soon," Hwayoung had her hand on the doorknob.

"Good luck," She heard Jiyoung yell with struggle in her voice. Jiyoung had taken a 20-minute break from her workout before going back.

Hwayoung walked the fastest she's ever walked before to his dorm. The air had gotten colder since she went to the cafe. She rubbed her hands together while she waited for Hyunjin to reach her. Hwayoung started to feel her heart beat faster and her cold hands were starting to sweat. She rubbed her hands on her sweater. She was wearing a long coat that went a little past her knees. The weather had changed a lot in the last hour. She was scared to see if Hyunjin hated her for what she did. She was scared to see where their relationship would go. If their friendship was over. She wished she could take everything back. Hyunjin finally walked out of his dorm building. She stepped closer, hesitant to be close to him again. He was wearing a coat of similar color with it barely going past his knees. She was avoiding eye contact with him.

"I'm sorry," Hyunjin spoke before Hwayoung could.

She looked up into his eyes. "No, I'm sorry. I've been acting extremely childish about this."

He stayed silent to let her speak.

"We should talk about our relationship because we're clearly attracted to each other." Hwayoung looked him in the eye. Never breaking eye contact. Her heart was pounding in her ears as she continued to talk. "Can we sit down?" She pointed to a bench behind them.

Hyunjin nodded yes. They made their way over. Hwayoung shifted in her seat, facing Hyunjin.

"What are we," Hyunjin opened his mouth. "Or what do you want to be." Hwayoung continued.

He smiled before answering. "I think we should test it out before we label anything."

"You mean like go on a date?"

He nodded. "I know the perfect place to take you."

"You're not still mad at me."

"I was never mad."

Hwayoung smiled. "You're too good to me." She laced their fingers. "I'm so sorry."

"I forgive you." He brought his hand under her hair, placing it on her neck, bringing her closer to him. He wrapped his other arm around her back bringing her into a hug. "I'll walk you home." He had pulled away.

She nodded before they both got up, hands still intertwined.

The walk back was silent. Neither wanting to ruin the moment. They finally got what they wanted.

"I'll see you later," They had reached her front door.

Hwayoung was sticking her key into the keyhole. "Why?" She looked at him with a confused face.

"I'll be taking you on a date," He winked.

"Don't do that ever again." She let go of his hand. He quickly grabbed her hand again.


"It's just so cringy." Hwayoung scrunched her shoulders, cringing at his action.

"Okay, I won't do it again. I'll be taking you to a fancy restaurant okay?" She let go of his hand again before stepping into the doorway.


"I'll pick you up at eight,"

"See you then," She pecked him on his cheek. She waved at him before closing the door.

"Did I hear that right?" Jiyoung ran to the door. "You two are going on a date," Her eyes were coming out of their sockets.

"Woah calm down Jiyoung," Hwayoung stepped past her to reach the shoe rack. She placed her shoes with the others and put on her slippers.

"How can I calm down when you and Hyunjin finally talked after who knows how long. I thought that would be the end of your friendship and my ship would never sail." Jiyoung's tone slowly became sadder as she spoke more.

"Firstly, that's weird, secondly, we talked," Hwayoung said with a smile as she made her way to her room. "If you will excuse me I have to get ready for a date." 

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