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"Bye Dalrae." One of Dalrae's friends waved to her as she walked through the airport entrance. Mrs. Jang was wiping a tear as she waved to Dalrae.
"She's so dramatic," Dalrae whispered to Hwayoung, who was standing next to her. "I know," She whispered back.
They turned to face each other.
"Bye Noona," Changbin waved his arm high in the air.
Hwayoung saw Dalrae roll her eyes. Dalrae's only friends made their way back to their car and her parents, brother, and Changbin got in the family car. Hwayoung and Dalrae had Dalrae's friends take them to the airport. Hwayoung had told them that she would take a taxi home.
Changbin rolled down the window. "Hyunjin, are you getting in?" Hyunjin turned to look back at him. "No, I'll go back with Hwayoung," Changbin rolled the window back up. They drove off.
"There's something wrong with that boy," Dalrae was looking at Hyunjin whose back was turned to them.
"I know," Dalrea turned her attention back to Hwayoung. "Tell Harry I said hi," Hwayoung told her sister. "I will," They gave each other one last hug. Dalrae walked a couple of feet away before she turned back to wave one last time to Hwayoung. But Hwayoung was talking to Hyunjin. She was scolding him for staying with her instead of going with her family. Dalrae smiled to herself before walking away.

"Where in the U.S. will your sister be going," "California.'' Hwayoung looked up at him. "More specifically East L.A.'' She squinted her eyes as the sun blinded her. "Let's go," Hwayoung grabbed Hyunjin's hand and got in a taxi. Hyunjin smiled at her without knowing she was smiling too as she looked out the window. "When are we going back," Hyunjin asked, "To campus I mean."
"You can leave whenever you want," Hwayoung looked up at him still holding his hand "But if you want to leave with me and Changbin, We'll be leaving tomorrow."

"Can you drop us off here?" Hwayoung said when they were a block away from her house. The taxi driver pulled over. Hwayoung handed him the money before getting out of the car. Hyunjin held her hand, helping her out of the car. They walked hand in hand in silence before passing the park. "In high school, on our way home from school we'd hang out at this park," Hwayoung looked to her right where the park was. "You don't even remember coming here last night?" Hyyunjin nudged her. She looked up at him with wide eyes. "We were here last night?" Hwayoung couldn't believe it. She looked through her memories. "We did." She looked up at him as she remembered last night. "How drunk was I?" Hwayoung rubbed her forehead with her palm.

They continued walking in silence.

"Hwayoung, where have you been? I haven't been able to eat or sleep or shower because I couldn't help but think something might have happened to my child. No call, no text," Changbin placed his hand on her shoulder. It had been half an hour since they last saw each other.

"And you," He looked up at Hyunjin. "Do you think it's okay for you to take my daughter wherever you want? How am I supposed to know you won't do anything to her." He was wagging his finger at Hyunjin. "Changbin, stop it," Mrs. Jang called from the kitchen. "Hwayoung, Hayun came over saying she had big news to tell you." Chunghee wrapped his arm around Changbin's neck not tight enough for him to struggle to breathe. "Come Changbin we're going to watch a movie together," Changbin mouthed, "help me" as he was being dragged to the living room.

"Hwayoung, can I come in," She was surprised to hear Hayun ask to come inside her room. She opened the door. Hayun was standing there with Minji. "My brother's pregnant." Hayun threw herself into Hwayoung's arms. Hwayoung looked at Minji with a confused face. "How?" Hwayoung pulled away. "Hwayoung we were in the same health class," Now Hayun was the confused one. "That's not what I- '' Hwayoung shut her eyes before looking back at Hayun. "Forget it. Wow, your sister-in-law is pregnant," Hwayoung gave her another hug. "Yeah," Hayun flashed her a heartwarming smile. Hwayoung has met Hayun's siblings before. She even went to her brother's wedding last year. "I'm gonna be an aunt," Hayun took a seat on Hwayoung's desk chair. Minji walked in behind her and leaned against the window.

Youth Vol. 1 | Hwang HyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now