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tagged: matthew

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tagged: matthew.sturniolo
liked by nicolassturniolo, user103, and others
@rorysharpe: christmas cookies in february really sets the mood for valentines

christophersturniolo: These cookies were ASS and I blame matt
╰─▸ matthew.sturniolo: Not gonna listen to the person who contributed nothing to decorating them 😒

matthew.sturniolo: I am the Gordon Ramsey of baking
╰─▸ rorysharpe: the cookies were undercooked 😭
╰─▸ matthew.sturniolo: The raw dough adds a little extra flavour

user829: how are you not cold...
╰─▸ rorysharpe: hot girls never get cold!

user573: why were you making christmas cookies anyways 😭
╰─▸ rorysharpe: they were on sale 🤭

nicolassturniolo:  Will you be my valentine 😏
╰─▸ rorysharpe: you don't even have to ask baby 🤭

╰─▸ user203: there's only one answer...
╰─▸ user049: MORY SUPREMACY

user304: Matt decorating cookies with Rory implies that they are close, if we extrapolate this information we can clearly see that mory is real. in this essay i will-

─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

Fuck any form of math. Any polynomial or any trigonometry equation. Fuck it. That's what Leanna is thinking as she stares at her graphing calculator which is supposed to be displaying some sort of parabola. Lea assumed that studying in the library would allow her to fully focus on her studies—and it did. Up until she saw Rory's Instagram post. She's seriously regretting exchanging Instagram handles with her. Lea rubs her eyes tiredly as her gaze falls back to her graphing calculator. It's almost ten pm and Lea feels as if she's been at her Math homework for forever. To be fair, she can't really pay attention to the task at hand. All that's going through her brain is Matt.

Matt this. Matt that. Is Matt thinking about her? Maybe he's with Rory? What if they've kissed? Oh God, he's so cute it hurts!

So yeah, she hasn't really been working efficiently and her graphing calculator not showing her graph is really icing on the fucking cake (vanilla to be exact!). Closing her eyes, she rubs her temples, trying her best to focus. It works but when she opens them back up she almost jumps out of her skin. She's met with a boy who has jet black hair that ends just a few inches above his shoulders sitting across her. Lea would say he's cute if he didn't just appear out of nowhere.

He points to her calculator that's laying on the table. "You're using the wrong window for your graph."

"What?" Lea asks, glancing at her calculator.

"When you have a graph you have to set the right parameters in your calculator for you to see it." He grabs Lea's calculator and begins pressing buttons. Lea is far too tired to care about what he's doing, if it gets her to solve the math question, so be it. He turns her calculator around, showing her the parabola she's been dying to see for the past 30 minutes.

Lea grabs the calculator out of his hands. "Oh my goodness. Thank you so much I couldn't figure it out."

"I'm Jude." He puts his hand out for her to shake and she shakes it gently.

"I'm Leanna," she retracts her hand and sets her calculator down, "How'd you know I was struggling with that?"

Jude laughs as he plays with the chain around his neck. "I saw you from where I was sitting and you looked frustrated. I needed a book from over here and I saw your notebook and your calculator with only a quarter of your graph showing, I put the pieces together. Decided to help. Also, I heard you say 'why can't I see this fucking parabola!'" He shrugs as he finishes his spiel, leaning back in the library chair.

"Well, thank you," Lea responds and the pair begin to sit in silence. Jude leans forward, propping his elbows on the table and resting his chin in his hand.

"You're really pretty." He states, tilting his head slightly. Leanna flushes at the comment, she doesn't get called pretty by strangers often— or at all, really. So, to be called pretty by an attractive boy is probably going to be the highlight of her month (which is sad, and she knows this).

"That's another reason why I came to help you, 'cause you're really pretty." He adds placing his hands on his lap, "I would really like to get your number. To get to know you better and help you with Math."

Leanna's mouth falls open. This was the last thing she expected to happen. Jude seems nice, but all she can think about is Matt. She's in love with him, deeply, and she misses him too. Lea decides she's going to say no. The answer is on the tip of her tongue before her mind trails back to Matt and Rory. Ok, if Leanna is being honest, she doesn't believe that nothing is going on between them. Nick said there wasn't, and she knows he wouldn't lie to her. But, their relationship always seems to be toeing the line of something more. Or maybe that's her jealousy speaking. Nonetheless, Lea decides at that moment that she will say yes. What's the worse that could happen?

"Yeah, that's ok with me." She takes his phone to fill out the contact information. When she gives him the phone back he bids her a farewell, telling her that he'll definitely text her. Watching him leave prompts Leanna to look at the time and decides that she should pack up too.

Although her homework did somehow allow her to meet a cute boy, her statement still stands: fuck math.


jude's been introduced 🤭!

everything with rory and matt will make sense soon i promise you !

also when im writing this (august 2nd), my birthday is in 5 days ??? like that's crazy

until next time!

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