"What took you long,
I told you i have a surgery by evening."abubakar say and ramlat pout.

"I couldn't find anyone to come with me,
I thank God Nanah is less busy today."she say and abubakar give her a confuse look as his eyes dart to the khadijah who's walking to the garden, there eyes meet and she quickly look away but abubakar couldn't take his eyes off her, he do be lieing if he say he haven't been yearning to see her, khadijah has become like an addiction to him, he couldn't get rid of her from his head regardless how hard he try.

"Shall we sir?"the photographer say snapping him out of his thought and he quickly look back to Ramlat who's now sitting and the make up artist is touching her make up.

Khadija just stand in a secluded part of the garden, she sit on one of the small garden chairs and hide among the yellow bush flowers watching, she couldn't get her eyes off abubakar, she could see how his eyes randomly look around the garden as if searching for something before they settle back on his fiance.

"Nanah come and help me with this."ramlat say and khadijah sigh before standing up as abubakar instantly turn to her.

"Good evening."khadijah greet and abubakar just stare at her, she look very different, the usual upsetting face now replace with an empty emotionless face that he couldn't read.

It's a long afternoon for abubakar and the only reason he didn't find the photoshoot boring is because khadijah is standing few feet away from them, and just staring at her is enough for him to sustain the agonizing 4hours.


Abubakar POV

Once i changed in one of the room in the house i quickly saunter out, I'm really late for work, this photo shoot ended up consuming the whole time of my day, I grab my car keys and walk out of the building I'm not very much if ramlat is done but nevertheless i already told the gateman to locked the door once we all leave.

As i walk to my car i spot a familiar silhouette standing on the terrace of the building away from the garden, I quietly walk to her and the more i approach the more i feel my heartbeat palpitating rapidly, the sniffing sound is what makes my brow furrow and as I move closer the slight light from the solar light illustrating down to her face is what makes me realises she's crying.

"Nanah."I call and she quickly clean her face before turning back.

"I'm.... I'm just waiting for ramlat."she say in between sniff and i just stare at her, I do be lieing to myself if i say this isn't the most disturbing sound I've heard, seeing her like this just make my heart ache.

"Are you okay?"I ask standing in her front and she nod, she's trying very hard not to stare at my fa e which makes me confuse, I use my understanding finger to lift her head and her eyes, despite how swollen they look they are the most beautiful thing I have seen soo far.

"You can talk to me Nanah,

"I'm fine..."she say with a sigh removing my hand from her chin
I....I...Abu."she call and look up at me upset.

"Why are you getting married to her?"she say and i give her a confuse look, suddenly she breakdown and start crying.

You are making me worried, please stop crying."I say worriedly staring at her and she quickly wipe her face with the back of her hand and look at me.

"You said you love me and that you care about me,
Why are you marrying her?
Do you know how difficult it has been for me this past few weeks?
Do you know how many times i have cried and have sleepless of night just thinking about you."she say in between sob as she sniff and clean her tears.
"I'm sorry for slapping you, for doing everything i did,
Didn't you love me again?"she say staring at me as i just stand dumbstruck and speechless staring at her.

"You don't.............

You need to calm down,
I love you, i do and i still do but........

"But what?
Why did you say you loved me then you are suddenly getting married,
If you love me then don't marry her."she say and i give her a confuse look.

How can i do that,
I love you but.......

"But what?
Why is this always happening to me?
You are all the same,
First you say you love someone then the next minutes you  married a different person,
You men are all same."she yell and walk away, fastening her pace as i quickly run towards her but ramlat voice echo behind me.

I glance at Nanah who's now already at the gate and turn to Ramlat who walk toward me.

Had I known what will happened after this i would have go after Nanah or i shouldn't have let her walk out in the first place.

waiting for sadiq Where stories live. Discover now