Chapter One (Mature Content)

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*New story. Also, Derek is an asshole for a majority of this book so warning for that.*


 Stiles fades out of his blissful sleep with his eyes heavy, his head pounding, and his arms held tightly to his chest by another man's tattooed covered arm. "Oh, no." Stiles mutters to himself, and he moves to untangle himself from the mysterious man who groans in annoyance as he turns over to face the wall. Stiles turns his head to look at him, and Stiles wonders what in the world he did last night.

Eighteen Hours Earlier

Stiles really wants to be anywhere, but here. The music is loud, everyone is drunk, and Stiles really just doesn't want to be here. He doesn't like bars or drinking or really being around this many people all at one time. "Can I go back to the hotel now, Scott?" Stiles asks, and his best friend shakes his head no.

"You can, if, you go dance with someone!" He demands, his words already slurred with drinking too much. Stiles tried to keep him from getting too drunk, and making bad choices but he can't stop him entirely. "Come on, it'll be fun. We didn't come all the way to England just for you to stay in the hotel!" Scott begs him, and Stiles shakes his head. He didn't want to come here with Scott, not that he doesn't like being with Scott it's just he wants to be working on his dissertation. His committee meeting to discuss his doctoral candidacy is only in five months, and he needs to be ready.

"No, thanks, man. I'm just going to head back, okay? Make sure to call a cab to take you back to the hotel since you're clearly too drunk to walk back." Stiles tells him, and Scott rolls his eyes at him before passing him a drink. "I'm not drinking. Scott. You know I don't drink." Stiles tells him, and Scott pushes the drink to him again.

"One drink is all I ask, and I let you home without complaining." Scott asks him, and Stiles stares at him before looking at the drink. He really wants to go back to the hotel, and he doesn't figure one drink to do much anything to him. Stiles gives him a hard glare before he downs the drink, choking and sputter as he finishes it, and Scott cheers. "Yes!" Scott calls, and Stiles waves him away as he makes his way towards the exits.

"Can I buy you a drink?" Someone asks, and Stiles doesn't think they're talking to him until the reach out to grab his arm. He turns to see a man with dark black hair that has been spiked up, his eyes are slightly gazed over but he doesn't seem to drunk, he's muscular, and he's grinning wickedly at Stiles. His clothes looks expensive next to Stiles simply ones, and Stiles shakes his head politely.

"No, thank you. I'm going back to my hotel." Stiles tells him, and the man's grin turns into a frown and he blinks like he doesn't believe what Stiles is saying to him. Stiles gives him a professional smile before he moves away from the British man, and everyone at the bar is staring at him. "People are looking at you." Stiles tells the man, and the man laughs softly as he passes a drink towards Stiles. Stiles looks at the red drink, it looks like cranberry juice, and he takes a small sip. "This is good." Stiles hums, smiling at the man.

"Good, it's got a kick to it. What's your name?" The man asks, and Stiles turns to look at him. The bar is emptying so not so many people are staring at Stiles and this man, and Stiles takes another sip before answering.

"Stiles Stilinski. What's yours?" Stiles asks, and the man looks at him like he cannot believe what Stiles just asks him. Stiles keeps staring at him until the man scoffs before looking at him more, and Stiles doesn't think he's going to stay much longer with him.

"Derek Hale." The man says, saying as if it should be obviously. Stiles holds his hand out to shake his, and Derek stares at it before taking it in his. His hands are callous and warm, and they swallow Stiles' in his. Stiles nods at him before he finishes his drink, and Derek signals for him to have another. The bartender drops another one of the fruity drinks in front of Stiles, and Stiles smiles as he drinks half of it in one gulp. "So what do you do for a living, Stiles?" Derek asks him, and Stiles smiles at him.

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