Chapter Eighteen

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Stiles doesn't want to ever see Derek like he does now, and he moves to run his hand through his hair. There's the reassuring sound of Derek's heart monitor beeping in time, and Stiles turns to look at one of Derek's friends that Stiles only met once. Unknown Artist's America tour was delayed until Derek is back on his feet or until the rest of Unknown Artist goes on without Derek, and Stiles hasn't slept in two days while he waits for Derek to wake up so he can yell at him for being so stupid. Erica and Isaac are back in England, trying to fix things with the media, and Stiles knows that they want to be herewith their friend. Jackson is at Stiles and Scott's trying to sleep,and Stiles stands before he moves to go get himself some coffee in the cafeteria. "Do you want anything?" Stiles asks Derek's friends, and they shakes their heads.

"No."They answer him, and Stiles nods as he moves to go get some coffee.He's been working here, grading papers, but he has a class tonight that he needs to teach. Stiles napped some last night against Derek's shoulder, but Derek's heart rapid slowed down enough to make the doctor come into check up on him, and Stiles couldn't sleep after that. Stiles moves to rub his eyes, they burn from lack of sleep, and he walks towards the cafeteria. He's glad that this is a hospital that he's familiar with, and he moves to talk to one of Derek's nurses.


Derek's head is swarming with dizziness, and he groans softly to himself while he hears someone near him take his hand. "Hey, mate. How ya feeling?" A voice asks, and Derek bites back a smile even though his head is on fire since he recognizes the voice.

"Who are you?" Derek asks, and he hears a sharp gasp but no one really says anything for a second.

"It's Micheal. Do you not remember me?" Micheal asks, and Calum grips his arm while they looks at their friend.

"No,because I'm waking up with amnesia. Get it?" Derek says, cracking open an eye. Micheal's face drops while Calum pinches his arm. Derek laughs until he chuckles so hard he starts to cough, and Micheal throws his hands up in annoyance while Calum starts laughing at him."When was I going to have that chance again?" Derek asks, his voice rough.

"Never,mate. Micheal is going to get Stiles." Calum says, and Derek sits up too quickly. Stiles is here with him, and not mad at him. Derek holds his head in his hand, and Calum rubs his back for a second while Micheal looks at Calum before sighing and leaving to get Derek's husband for him since he was set up to do it.

Derek is looking around for Stiles, he needs to see him, and he tries to stay sitting up to see him when he comes back inside the room. Stiles looks terrible, he's a sight for sore eyes but he still looks like he hasn't had any sleep for days, and Derek looks at him with caution."Hey, Stiles." Derek says, and Stiles' eyes narrow. Micheal drags Calum out of the room, he seems to want to stay to see what happens,and Jackson rushes in to check on Derek but he knows that they need to talk so he walks back out.

"Hey?Hey? You almost died and all you have to say to me is hey?" Stiles says, his voice tired and angry. Derek tries to look innocent, he fails, and he rubs his hand against the gauze on his head to try to get some sympathy from Stiles since he's mad. "Don't you act like you're the innocent victim, you did this to yourself. What the hell is wrong with you?" Stiles asks, walking closer to towards him."How could you be so selfish to do this?" Stiles snaps at him,and Derek looks down at his lap.

"Because you left me and I was confused. I didn't mean to feel so strong about you, but I did. I do." Derek tells him, and Stiles huffs in annoyance as he runs his hand over his face. "Why did you leave me?Because I love you?" Derek says, and Stiles looks at him. It's hard to see Derek like this, he's lost weight and his eyes have lost that happy twinkle that always made Stiles happy. The bandage on his head makes Derek look odd, and Stiles looks at him before he looks away.

The Brain and the Bass Guitarist (Sterek AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora