Chapter Eleven

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*Hey, Stalers*

 Stiles straightens up his suit for the tenth time while he makes sure that the computer is on, and everything is ready. He has his research with him within reach, and he thinks he's going to puke. His father and Scott have already sent him good luck text messages, and he licks his lips while he checks his phone for the time. Stiles moves to walk around while he tries to calm himself down, and he sighs as breathes in and out. He's cleaned up Derek's dining room to make it look somewhat professional to the committee.

"It's just an interview. You did so much research for this, and put so much time into this. The committee will know it when they see it. They've read over it, they know that work I put into. It doesn't matter that I accidentally married a rock star who picks fight with everyone and it probably sleeping around." Stiles tells himself while he walks around, and he almost has a panic attack when he hears his computer start ringing meaning that he has a video call. "You can do this." Stiles tells himself before hitting answer. "Good morning." Stiles says, going for professional and calm instead of nervous.

"It's one in the afternoon here." One of them tells him, and Stiles licks his lips nervously as he chuckles awkwardly as he fights the urge to rub the back of his neck. It's a nervous habit that he needs to break.

"I'm sorry. Good afternoon. I appreciate being able to do this over video chat given my situation of not being about to leave England at the moment." Stiles tells them, and he can see four faces of unamusemnt that makes him uneasy. "I would like to begin by drawing your attention to my thesis statement which is." Stiles begins, and one of the doctors cuts him off.

"Mr. Stilinksi, I'm afraid that I'm just going to have to stop you right there. Due to outlaying circumstances, we are going to deny your applications but you can re-interview in a year." He says, and Stiles looks at in surprise while he wipes his face. Stiles knows that he needs to remain professional and calm otherwise he'll do something he'll regret.

"May I ask why you are denying me?" Stiles asks, and the committee looks through his file until one of the women looks up at him. He cannot believe he didn't even get a chance to defend himself.

"Your research isn't what he thought it would be, Mr. Stilinski. You're the youngest applicant we had in a long time, and although your dissertation was impressive it was not what we felt you're capable of." She tells him, and Stiles feels his heart ache before he nods his head.

"Thank you for taking the time to read over my application and considering me. I will be applying in a year." Stiles tells them, and they give him a professional goodbye before they hang up on the video chat. Stiles shuts his laptop down before he sniffs pitifully and he walks into the living room before laying down face first into couch, and he wipes at his eyes.


Derek is strumming his guitar when he moves to go back to the living room where Stiles is laying on the couch, and he puts his guitar away before kneeling next to Stiles. "What's wrong? How did the interview go?" Derek asks, and Stiles looks up look enough to glare at him.

"They denied me." Stiles says, and he burst into tears. Derek pouts before he rubs his back somewhat awkwardly, and he sits down next to the couch to look at him.

"Don't be upset. It'll be okay. You're still the smartest person in the loft." Derek tells him, and Stiles sniffs in amusement while he moves to sit up. Derek moves to sit next to him before hugging him some, and Stiles leans against him. "Come on. Let me cheer you up." Derek tells him, and Stiles gives him a suspicious look before shaking his head as he stands. He just wants to go back to bed, and forget that this happened. Stiles doesn't want to have to tell his father that he didn't get it, he knows his father won't be mad or anything but Stiles is so disappointed in himself.

The Brain and the Bass Guitarist (Sterek AU)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt