Chapter Five

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Stiles goes to the guestroom before turning around to try to give Boyd a small smile. "This is nice, thank you." Stiles tells him, and Boyd nods his head at him. "Um. Do you have the paper that the judge gave Derek? It was suppose to have something about the stipulations of our marriage." Stiles says, and Boyd hands him a piece of paper. "I'm not a bad guy. I don't want to hurt Derek or the band." Stiles tells him, and Boyd turns around to look at him.

"I know." Boyd says, and Stiles smiles as he sits down on the bed. He looks over the paper to see that he and Derek have to go to a marriage counselor once a week, and Stiles knows that that isn't going to go over with Derek. Stiles sets his things down after sending a text to Scott, and he plugs up his laptop to charge. Stiles moves to go explore the loft for a while, and eventually Derek comes back in.

"We are meeting with a marriage councilor tomorrow. It's mandatory." Stiles tells him, and Derek scoffs in amusement before shaking his head. "I know this is a big joke to you, but try to act serious for once." Stiles tells him, and Derek looks him up and down before walking away without saying anything else. Stiles sighs in annoyance before he hears the sound of a video call coming in on his laptop, and he goes back to answer it.

He isn't sure who's calling him, and he opens up his laptop before answering the call. "Hello?" Stiles says, looking around for a chair without looking at the screen.

"Hezekiah John Stilinski." John says,and Stiles makes a squeezing noise of surprise while he looks at his father. His father who looks the angriest Stiles has ever seen him, and Stiles is speechless for a moment. He's never seen him this angry, and he hops that his father isn't going to yell at him for this.

"Hey, Pop." Stiles says, and John narrows his eyes at him. "I see that Scott taught you how to use video chat." Stiles adds on, and he can see the vein in his father's head about to poke out in anger. "Okay, I'm married. I'm so sorry, Dad. I made a mistake, please don't hate me." Stiles tells him, and just like that John's face loses all of it's anger.

"Son. I know that you're upset about what happened but you made a commitment and you have to honor it. At least until the year is up." John tells him, and Stiles assumes that Scott has filled him in with everything that's going on right now.

"What am I going to do? Derek, my "husband" hates me! He thinks that I'm after his money, I'm not you raised me better than that, and I don't think I stay here a year!" Stiles says, feeling better that he's finally telling someone about it. John gives him a patient smile before shaking his head, and Stiles sniffs softly.

"The year while pass before you know it, Stiles. Just keep your nose clean and your head down. I don't know much about this Derek Hale, other from what Scott told me, but he really doesn't sound like a good guy. If you get unwanted attention it could hurt your chances of your doctoral candidacy from getting accepted." John says, and Stiles nods his head. From what he noticed so far, Derek isn't really husband material.

"I'll make do." Stiles says, and John nods his head. "I love you, Dad. I'm going to try to get some sleep. I have a date with a marriage counselor in the morning." Stiles tells him, and John says he loves him too before he hangs up. Stiles stares at his laptop for a moment before he moves to take a shower, and he goes to bed. Maybe the next year will go by as quickly possible.


Stiles wakes up early in the morning, and he stares at the ceiling for an hour before he finally gets up to take a shower before he gets ready for the appointment. He dresses nicely, he didn't bring a lot of nice clothes with him, and he moves to make himself some coffee. When he walks into the kitchen he sees a woman cleaning the floor, and she looks up at Stiles. "You should probably leave before Mr. Hale wakes up, he doesn't like it when they stay over." She tells him, and Stiles rubs the back of his neck awkwardly.

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