Chapter Nine

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 Stiles walks down the street with Jackson after the movie ends. "That was a stupid movie." Jackson hums, and Stiles laughs as he nods his head. "Next movie we go see, I get to pick." Jackson says, and Stiles laughs softly as he nods his head. It was so much fun that Stiles wouldn't mind doing it again.

"Sure." Stiles tells him, and Jackson smiles as they walk into Derek's apartment building. Stiles waves to the doorman. "Hi, Alec. How's the kids?" He asks, and the doorman chuckles before nodding his head and telling that they're fine. Jackson looks at him weirdly before his eyes soften, and he walks with him to the elevator. "Thanks for spending time with me, Jackson." Stiles tells him, and Jackson smiles before he gets into the elevator with him.

"No problem, you're pretty cool. No matter what Derek says." Jackson says, and Stiles chuckles as he nods and he punches in the code for the top part of the loft to go to Derek's. They ride the elevator to the loft in silence, and when they get out of the lift they hear loud music. "Looks like Derek is throwing a party." Jackson says, and he sounds almost gleeful. "You should stay with me tonight." Jackson says, and Stiles sighs to himself.

"Thanks for the offer, but I'll stick it out." Stiles tells him, and Jackson gives him a doubtful look before going in after him. Stiles gapes when he see almost a hundred people packed into Derek's loft, and they're dancing, drinking, and being inappropriate with each other. Stiles cannot even think with the loud music, and he finally sees Derek as he dances in between two people. He doesn't seem to notice that Stiles is back, and everyone sort of ignores him while Jackson seems to disappear into the crowd.

Stiles just ignores them before he goes to his room to get away from the loud room, he's had too long of a day to deal with this right now, and he walks down the hall to his room. He feels so bad that Kira is going to have to clean this is up tomorrow and he hopes that everyone is gone by the morning. He's never been to a party like this before so he hopes that everyone is gone by tomorrow, and he walks into his room only to see that two people are on his bed. "Excuse me? You two need to leave." Stiles tells them, and he looks to see that all of his things are thrown to the floor.

The people stand up before laughing at him, and Stiles looks away when he sees that the woman is naked. "Yeah, sorry, about that. We were just having fun." She says, and Stiles doesn't look at them while they leave. Stiles rubs his eyes, he's so tired, and he moves to try to pick up some of his things but he's just too tired. He cannot believe that Derek is doing this after all he's done today, and Stiles just moves to try to go to sleep.


The music is still loud and blaring when Stiles turns over to see that it's late, and he rubs his eyes. He just wants to sleep and he cannot, he should have stayed with Jackson at least for the night, and finally when he hears the loud sound of someone playing their guitar. Stiles throws his covers back before he slips on his shoes, and he storms into the living room where a group of about fifteen people are listening to music.

Stiles walks over to the music station before roughly unplugging it, and he turns towards the people that are staring at him like he's crazy. "What in the hell is wrong with you people?! It is one in the fucking morning on a Wednesday. Don't you people have jobs or something or is your soul purpose in life to kiss Derek Hale's ass?!" Stiles screeches, and Derek just sort of looks at him in shock which is understandable since Stiles has never raised his voice at him in the entire time he's known him. One of the girls starts laughing, but she's the only one. Stiles turns towards Derek before grabbing his jacket. "You, Derek Hale, are cruel and selfish." Stiles says, and he slams the door behind as he moves to go to Jackson's.


The room stays silent while Derek just stares at the door that Stiles slammed behind him, and no one says anything until Isaac just sort of looks around. "Let's get this party going?" A girl says, and Derek glares at the room.

The Brain and the Bass Guitarist (Sterek AU)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt