She graduated with a bachelors in political science. She was working at an internship at the white house in DC. It took us all surprised when she took this route, but we couldn't be more proud.

William and Lauren had been incredible with Teddy. He was all they needed and completed their little family "someone say Aunty Jillian!" I turned to see her rushing out with a brown bag in hand most definitely containing a bottle of rosé

MC jumped out of my arms as Jillian placed the bottle down by the steps leading up to the back door to the château. She ran into her arms as Jillian couldn't help but laugh "what about me? As if I mean nothing to you?"

Belles life had been most busy, she moved out of the country for work so expecting her to come was so rare for Mary Caroline

Her big eyes lit up at the sight of her letting go of Jillian going into Belles "ouch" she mumbled

"Care bear! You've gotten so big!" She expressed picking her up "not such a baby anymore!"

"She'll forever be my baby don't say that" her head looked over to me "speaking of babies?" She questioned and my eyes shifted to Nate

She had yet to meet my son, we didn't quite know what Belle did for a job. She ended up majoring in business administration, accounting and finances. Leading me and Nate to believe she was really a CIA agent, especially with her combat skills and uptight schedule.

Her eyes bubbled at the sight of our little boy "oh this is way better than the pictures on iMessage!" She cooed walking over slowly with MC in hand

The sound of the back door opening again this time with Megan and Grace stepping out "hey little boy blue!"

"Boy who cried wolf!" Megan teased

"Oh look at thing one and two" Grace chimed looking at my two children, the nickname she had given them

"Well hello to you too?" I changed my slouching position upright as I stood pretending to be agile when they all knew I was running on three hours of sleep

"So what time will everyone be here?" Jillian took a seat pulling a raspberry claw out from the cooler cracking it open "they should all be arriving now" I stood making my way into the house

I went to the kitchen where Celine was unpacking things from her bag and placing it in the fridge or on the counter "mom when did you get here?" She looked back at me bumbling

"Oh, you startled me dear. Just a few minutes ago, Leonardo's setting up the table and we can began dinner soon"

"Anything I can do?" she shook her head "go enjoy yourself please, I'll call you in for dinner. I offered to prepare dinner for everyone, I'm following through!" She ushered me out of the kitchen back outside

"Aunty Charlie can I go play frisbee with Winston" his voice trailing behind me caused my smile to beam

"Of course Teddy" he held a light blue frisbee in hand pulled me in for a hug

"Winston!" He called running off leaving me with Will and Lauren

"Still haven't caved on the dog yet huh?" I teased as Lauren shook her head

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