"I understand honey, but it's for our own good...this contract will fetch me a lot of money and we really need that".

"When will you leave?" Bella asked, fighting back her tears.

"T-T-Tomorrow morning", her mother stuttered.


"You won't be alone this time, Ashley will always be here for you", her mother said.

"Oh...yee..oh..Ash-Ash- Ashley?" Bella exclaimed, almost laughing, "you've gotta be kidding me...Ashley barely stays at home, only God knows where she is right now".

"I'll talk to her sweetie".

"Don't waste your speech on her, mom, i can take care of myself".

"Plus i talked to my friend this morning and she told me you could move in with her....you know her right?"

"Mrs Sophie Emerson, Hogworths high principal", Bella murmured.

"Yes, how did you guess that right?" Mrs Flynn asked.

"You have only one friend mom...one friend you keep ranting about", Bella replied.

"Really?" Her mother pouted. "I'll be sending you money for your up keep sweetie, anything you need....I'm just a phone call away".

The doorbell rang suddenly, and before any of them could get it, the door swung open, revealing Ashley and a guy who was way taller than she was, Daniel.

"Hi, i think she belongs here", he said, Bella diverted her attention to him, what a crook! She thought...

"Yeah she does, get going will you?" She scoffed.

"Chill! you're welcome by the way", he said, leaving Ashley who staggered to the couch, and rushed away.

"She's wasted", Bella scoffed, looking at her cousin in distaste. "I'm full", she stood up immediately, packing the remnants of her food...."I'll be in bed, goodnight mom". She took the dishes to the kitchen and gave one last glance at her mother who was busy, struggling to help Ashley to her feet. She shook her head and ran upstairs.

Next morning..... Saturday!!

Bella rolled out of bed grumpily as she rubbed her eyes, trying to get the sleep off, then headed for the bathroom...her phone rang and she came out to get it, she glanced at the caller....it was an unknown number, sighing she picked it....

"Hey..." She recognized the voice quickly.

"What do you want Adams?" She tried not to sound rude.

"Can we meet and talk things out?"

"There's nothing to talk about, i now understand you prefer blue-eyed blonde girls", she scoffed..."just have a nice life with her and stay away from me...for your own good!! She said and disconnected the call.

Her phone rang again, still the same number, she declined it, then it beeped as a message entered....

Unknown number: it was all a misunderstanding...c'mmon babe?!

She decided to reply...

Bella: ........
Bella: typing.....

She dropped the phone and grabbed her hair...
"Stop taunting me!!" She yelled...Soon, the door of her room opened and Ashley walked in...

"Since when has knocking become illegal?" She asked, staring at Ashley who yawned, ignoring her...

"I'm hungry Bells", Ashley said, pouting.

"Ugh! Then go make yourself something to eat", Bella replied.

"I would've...but then, i would spoil these..." Ashley said, wriggling her phalanges as she showed off her well manicured nails..

"Looks like you aren't really hungry" Bella scoffed. You've gotta be kidding me, she thought.

"Please go prepare breakfast, i'm really starving and i'm suffering from hangover", Ashley whined, pouting.

"Oh yeah? Because my nails aren't done...i get it", Bella glared at her.

"Pretty please, i'll treat you to the Spa after".

"Not interested".

"Where's auntie Emma by the way?" Ashley asked...that was when it hit Bella...

"Oh no!" She gasped.

"What?" Ashley asked again...

"She's gone", she replied, grabbing her phone and checking the time.

"Gone to where?" Ashley was really lost. She rushed past Ashley and dashed out of the door, heading to her mother's room, pushing the room door open, she found no one inside...

"She left without saying goodbye?" She said out loud, Ashley appeared behind her..."Mom traveled to Brooklyn for a contract", she told the lost being.

"No shit! So when will she be back?" Ashley asked

"We should be expecting her in the next five months", Bella muttered sadly.

"Holy shit! Such freedom for you, girrrrlll", her cousin said...Bella snapped her head to look at her...

"Are you for real?", She almost bursted out in tears...

"I'll miss her tho, and i'll miss you too", Ashley said...

"What do you mean?" Bella asked.

"I and Danny will be traveling later", Ashley squealed in excitement. "We're going to explore San Francisco".

"You're leaving too?" Bella was shattered.

"You can come with", her cousin said.

"What about school?" She asked

"Ugh! I'm not going to die....when i return, I'll resume school duh!"

Bella clenched her fists, trying to fight back her tears...."I'll go prepare breakfast", she said, dashing off again, leaving Ashley's side, cause she really wanted to go far away from her.

"You're such a darling, i love you!" Ashley squealed, making kissing sounds...


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