dungeon-chan knocks out a dragon God

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"Go fish" Bell declared.

"Dude, we are playing poker." A guy with only his underwear said.

"We do!?" Bell exclaimed in surprise, his head snapped up to look at everyone as they gave him a deadpan stare.

"You are winning! How do you not know this? It's the fifth round!!" 

Bell looked around himself.

Laying around was a lot of money, adventurer equipment, and clothes.

'How the fu-' Even Bell was mystified at the phenomena. He had no idea what happened and had a sneaking suspicion that no amount of scientific or arcane knowledge would help in solving this mystery.

[The Magus of Flowers is confused at your ability to break the laws of the universe when playing poker.]

[Bone Daddy is asking if you used eldritch magic to cheat]

Even the two individuals who recently started to watch Bell again and saw him play the game were confused at his card skills.

[Ouroboros tilts her head in confusion]

See! Even the infinite dragon is-...




F U C K ! ?

"By all the Gods in heaven and earth, please no…" Bell whispered to himself in horror and felt the blood drain from his face. 

[Ouroboros is C̸̠͒͑͑o̵̹͂͗̄m̶͇̞̝̀̔̏i̵̢͓̫͐n̸̳̎g̷͔̀]

Bell took a deep breath.

And kept playing poker.

[Bone daddy is impressed by your lack of fucks to give in such a situation.]

"I win, go fish" Bell declared and warped reality again in his favor which caused the remaining player to let out a cry of protest.

However! Bell is a generous and benevolent guy, thus he graciously let the losers keep their clothes while he took all the money, potions, and weapons.

What a good guy!

His opponents were so moved by his act of kindness that they coughed up blood once they witnessed his golden heart!

[The Magus of Flowers Is nodding his head at your lack of shame.]

He smiled brightly as they left, leaving him with his "small" fortune.

"New dagger, check" He said as he picked up the dagger he likes the most out of the pile of weapons and hoisted it on his waist "Potions, check." He said as he put a large number of health potions into a backpack he also won from poker.

It's a shame that none of those guys was a mage, he wouldn't scoff at mind potions.

[Ouroboros is C̸̠͒͑͑o̵̹͂͗̄m̶͇̞̝̀̔̏i̵̢͓̫͐n̸̳̎g̷͔̀]

"Uhuh, cool" Bell said, sounding rather disinterested. "So are you the ancient loli from DxD that every fanfic MC to ever exist collects into their harem through chocolate chip cookies, or someone else entirely?" He asked and put the last coin pouch into the backpack.

[Ouroboros is C̸̠͒͑͑o̵̹͂͗̄m̶͇̞̝̀̔̏i̵̢͓̫͐n̸̳̎g̷͔̀]

"Right…" not being sure what to do and how to act in this situation, Bell decided to ignore his impending doom once again and started to walk around Rivira, the settlement on the 18th floor.

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