Dungeon core.

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"yknow, this was supposed to be a day where I kill an infant dragon, not a bunch of baby goblins," Bell said as he kicked the green toddler so hard that he smashed into the ceiling of the cave. "Am I even gonna get ANY excelia at all doing this?"

"No." Loki said and munched on her fried potato.

The redhaired Goddess fallowed Bell as he went deeper into the cave, all the while avoiding the baby goblin corpses.

"Then why am I even doing this? why have you taken me here!?" a BONK with his staff caved a baby goblin skull as he tried to jump him. Man these baby goblins are stupid, they just charge at the enemy with no hesitation or weapon. "I was planning to get an Infant Dragon crystal! I even managed to convince Aki to help me!" the boy cried out, annoyed at his Goddess.

"O ye, of little faith" She munched on the potato again. "believe me, the end of this little dungeon is gonna have something you like." When that was said, she sent Bell a wink.

A sigh left the young adventurer mouth. He did not understand what Loki had planned, but so far, she did show that she cares for his best interest. Even going as far as to allow him to keep the Necronomicon! He is still figuring out how to cast forbidden magic, but he is getting there.

"{Acid arrow}" Three arrows of flesh-melting liquid hit their targets, leaving nothing except a mixture of goblin juice and acid.

It was like that for the whole trip to the cave, just a bunch of weak little goblins charging at them and Bell killing them without any effort.

It was tedious and boring.

But, after what felt like ages, Bell and Loki reached the end of the cave. And found what was within it...

"Woah..." the boy exclaimed in wonder and taped a partially buried ball of dark violet glass in a spherical shape. In response, it hissed. "What is this?" He questioned and smacked it with his staff, making the sphere more irritated as it growled at him.

"This my precious little bun-bun is a dungeon core!" Bell blanked at her words. "The heart of a dungeon! All dungeons have one!" Loki snapped her fingers and made a war hammer poof itself into existence out of nowhere. "And the thing about Dungeon cores is...if you smash them, it raises your strength stat, and if you use magic to do it, it raises your magic stat! ...well there was also that one idiot who run so fast that he raised his agility stat once he smashed into the core...the core smashed too."

'there is more than one dungeon?' Bell thought bewildered. He absentmindedly took the war hammer from his goddess as she passed it to him.

"normally a mage shouldn't be concerned about physical strength, but in my familia, if you are a spell caster who can't punch a monster away then I would not allow them to be sent anywhere near the Orario dungeon lower floors." The Goddess said. "If there is no time for magic, you will still have a fighting chance. It may take a while, but it's better to be safe and take your time with your stats rather than be dead because magic failed you. Am I right?"

Mommy Loki was right, Bell would rather be alive rather than dead, and you never know what can happen in the heat of battle. What if a monster DOES get close and he has no time to activate his spell? What if his summons would fail to protect him? His grip on the weapon got more firm, and he focused his gaze on the dungeon core. As if knowing what is about to happen, the violet glass sphere started to radiate some sort of energy, but it dissipated as soon as it left the orb.
Maybe it tried to protect itself or attack bell, but was too weak and young to do so?

It didn't matter. Bell raised his weapon, took aim, and brought it down with all his might!


"Oww! motherfucker!" Bell swore.

"I wish" The trickster Goddess responded and gave him a flirty look.

"Sweet Home Alabama~"


"No, nothing. My brain was ruined by Memes"

Loki tilted her head in confusion. Bell was too busy caressing his wrist throbbing in pain. His weapon lay on the ground, he let it go as soon as the pain assaulted him.

"What is this thing made off??" Bell inquired and looked at the orb, that now had a small crack on it.

"Magic, gonna need more than just one hit to deal with it." What Loki didn't know was the fact that her VERY old friend put more...juice, into the orb making sure that Bell will receive a nice dose of exelia. The downside of that is that it made the core stronger.

Bell sighed, he grabbed the weapon on the ground and prepared himself for another strike.

---meanwhile, a conversation between a mother and the dungeon core.---

"I refuse to perish" the young dungeon core yelled defiantly.


In response, the Core hissed.

His mother Hissed back.

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