helping Aki and Raul progress their romantic relationship

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Me to "Arya_dimas" in the comments of the previous chapter (on we novel): oh don't worry the next chap is gonna be uploaded soon :)

Arya_dimas 11 days later: Well… that was a fucking lie…

Yeah, sorry for not posting the next chap, got busy playing Dark Souls remastered all over again. Just killed Quelaag, I took that bitch down in 5 hits on my first try! It felt legendary as it was my first time doing so.


<The Magus of Flowers is laughing madly and declaring his gratitude to you>

'You are welcome??' Bell thought confused as he used an eldritch spell called {Limbs of chaos} to hold the infant dragon in place. While the name sounds cool, the actual spell is… just tentacles, it's the thing that Merlin just discovered by himself.

Flipping through a couple of pages Bell settled for a spell titled {Necrotic Touch}. The veins on his free hand turned black while the skin turned into a sick mixture of green and grey, it even withered a little making it seem as if it was in a serious stage of Necrosis. Curiously, Bell didn't feel any kind of pain however, he took a moment to examine this phenomenon and started to approach the dragon after he was done with his observation.

At his touch, the infant dragon tries to jerk back but was kept in place by the {Limbs of Chaos}.

The Loki familia who watches this didn't know how to feel about what they were seeing. They had expected their new promising newbie to have an epic fight with an infant dragon, but, after the initial attack, Bell trapped the monster and calmly cast spell after spell at it.

It was one of the mages that pointed out that Bell seems to be testing new spells since he constantly flipped through pages and seemed to read them before he cast the next spell. It was something that dumbfounded them once they realized it was true.

A low-level two monster that multiple high-level ones need to term up against was serving as a test subject to a newbie who just recently became an adventurer! The absurdity of this situation made some of them question if this was reality and not a dream.

Seeing as there is no epic fight to witness, most of them awkwardly returned to what they were doing previously, while the more curious of them continued watching. Especially the mages.

"Interesting" Bell said and retracted his hand from the monster left thigh. A large portion of it withered into dead flesh, and since the joint was also consumed by this effect, Bell was sure that even if the monster would break from the spell binding him, it would still have a big problem moving around.

"Hahh… that's all I can do for now…" most spells were a complete failure while the rest had something missing to them. The only real success was the {Eldritch Blast}, {Limbs of Chaos} & {Necrotic Touch}. "Alright, let's end this." Closing the Necronomicon and putting it into his shoulder bag, Bell cast {Magic Hand} a couple of times with his normal Mind mana.

The hands forced the wounded dragon's jaw open. A nameless Rasengan came to life above Bell palm, which was aimed at the dragon mouth. "[Maximize Magic]" the skill took effect, the Rasengan becoming bigger and seeming to spin faster. "[Maximize Magic: {Fire Bolt}" the reinforced Rasengan merged with the reinforced Fire bolt and flew into the beast mouth, straight down its throat.

The monster tried to trash against his restraint as it felt flames explode inside him and turn everything into a burned mash of organs before it died. Once it burst into smoke Bell expelled all the eldritch energy in him, making the tentacles disappear. It looked as if space bent around them to make them vanish.

A lone {Magic Hand} approached him, in its grasp was the monster crystal from the Infant dragon. Acting nonchalant about this, Bell took the crystal, put it in his shoulder bag, and dismissed the {Magic Hand} still floating near him. When he walked back to the group, everyone made way for him, like he was one of those cool kids walking through the school halls.

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