Loki wants smoke with the Outer Gods.

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Read me. Read me. Read me. Read me. Read me. Read me. Read me. Read me. Read me. Read me. Read me. Read me. Read me. Read me. Read me. Read me. Read me. Read me. Read me. Read me. Read me. Read me. Read me. Read me. Read me. Read me. Read me. Read me. Read me. Read me.

was it the book? was it something talking through the book? Is it Bell's temptation and curiosity?? reading the Necronomicon is a bad fucking idea. Only the gods would know what sort of damage it would cause.

Who is to say that Bell wouldn't go insane and try to summon Cthulhu? would he even be able to read a single word without his sanity snapping like a twig? He didn't know, and he didn't want to know.

HP Lovecraft created an utterly terrifying universe, and the Necronomicon was filled with knowledge about that world's twisted rituals, and elder gods. The forbidden book got so popular that it was published multiple times by many people, even if 90% of those publishers did it as a joke. It got so popular that it was used by other authors who put it in their stories! Stephen King did it. Joanne Harris did it. Dana Abnetta did it.

Hell, even the author of The Witcher did it by putting it in the Hussite trilogy!

God forbid mention in how many movies, comic books, and games were made with the Necronomicon mentioned in it!

Bell was itching to read it, after all, he is now able to read one of the most popular fictional books to ever exist! all he has to do is...open it.

"NO." oof, the Necronomicon got rejected. Don't worry Necronomicon-chan I can relate :')

Closing his eyes Bell took a deep breath and tossed the forbidden book under his bed. He will need to get rid of that book as soon as possible, but for now, he will distract himself with the guidebook about the dungeon.

Taking some more deep breaths to calm himself, Bell reached into his shoulder bag and took out the rather thick book, and started to read. He dedicated his full concentration to the words written in it, he tried his best to engrave every detail about all monsters on the first and second floor inside his memory. All weaknesses and studied habits. Before he knew it, Bell started to read about the 3rd floor, then the 4th, 5th, 6th.

Only as he was about to start to read about the 7th floor he stopped...or rather...was interrupted.

The sound of paper being ripped apart invaded his ears... it came from his bed. Bell almost felt his heart explode out of his chest once he saw Loki sitting there and reading the Necronomicon.

How did she get here? When did she get here? Did she walk in? no, he didn't hear the door open. Better question though, how did she know about the Necronomicon?! He just got the damn thing!!

Did Loki just want to visit him and decided to look under his bed for whatever reason? Did she find that book by chance? Did she know from the start??

"uh..." Bell panicked.

"hold that thought" she ripped another 10 pages. "aight, continue."

"I can explain?"

"ya' can explain how you acquired the darkest and vile book to ever exist? now I'm curious, please explain how that happened."

finding his head going blank, Bell decided to correct himself.

"I have no idea how to explain this." the trickster goddess stared at him. "it just decided to materialize in my room, so I threw the very clearly evil book under my bed".

A frown married Loki's face. Not a single word coming out of Bell was a lie.

after all the book DID materialize out of thin air after he won it in the daily lottery spin, and he DID throw the visibly evil book under his bed after he stared at it in temptation for a couple of minutes.

Loki didn't detect any lies, because there were no lies spoken. After all, the truth can be spoken in many ways.

"Well, I'm gonna need to pay a visit to Kthanid then." with that said Loki returned to flipping through the book containing the forbidden knowledge of the cosmos while tearing the pages she didn't like.

Bell couldn't help but awkwardly stare at her as she did it

As she continued to flip through the chapters, Loki suddenly stopped and gained a slight pink dusting her cheeks. The goddess congratulated Bell's future lady as she left the chapter about Eromancy (snu snu magic) and mentally noted that the tentacles on those outer gods are not only for show.

Giving all the pages a quick once-over by flipping them all from one end to the other, Loki turned to the still awkward and panicking Bell as she flashed him with her signature mischievous smile.

"relax, ya' ain't in trouble." those words worked wonderfully for Bell anxiety, his posture immediately relaxing "as ya' said, it just pop out into yer room, I can't punish ya' for that. I'm proud ya' were able to withstand the Necronomicon psychic seduction" getting up from the bed, the goddess put down the forbidden book on the table near Bell and ruffled his hair. "read all you want, it's safe now."

Bell didn't know how she disappear, all he knew is that his goddess simply vanish right in front of his eyes like she was never there, to begin with.

The silence was ringing in Bell's ears as he once again started at the forbidden book.

The boy suddenly pounced at it like a starving animal at his prey, the vigor which he read the book with was telling. The focus and concentration he read it with far surpassed the one he had when reading the dungeon guide.

meanwhile, while Bell was reading his new magic book, Loki was wreaking havoc in the pantheon of the eldritch old ones demanding an explanation from the terrified tentacle monsters for the Necronomicon appearing in her child room.

---bonus scene/trailer---

<yo! some looser got reincarnated into another world, wanna watch him?>


Merlin blinked.



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